Today marked Abbi's first day of Kindergarten.

I had already told my boss I was coming in late today so I could take my little girl to school. Peter and I got up and got all the kids fed, cleaned, dressed and hair done and then we were off. I tried to talk Abbi out of going to Kindergarten. I told her she could just stay home everyday and play with her toys, that she didn't need to get bigger, and that she could live with Daddy and I forever and ever. She was not swayed from her decision though so we parked and walked to the school. We found where she is to sit each morning until her teacher comes and gets her and the nice thing is it is right next to where Bresa's

class sits while they wait. Bresa started her school year on Monday so she has already gone for two days. The school does a staggered start for the Kindergartners in an effort to help them ease into the everyday all day long school days. When I got home from work today I asked the girls how they did and Bresa was on green for the third day so far and Abbi was very excited to tell me all about the kids in her class and her teacher and centers. My little Abbi, she has grown so fast and in no time will be graduating from high school. I think I will keep her little while I can.
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