Today after I picked the girls up from school I asked them if they wanted to carve the pumpkins we got. Of course, they responded with an enthusiastic "yes" and so we gathered what we needed to get the job done. I cut off the tops for both of the girls and they started pulling the insides out. We separated the seeds from the pulp so we could attempt to bake them. Javan helped a little with his pumpkin but was quickly more interested in the play house. Bresa and Abbi both drew out what type of face they wanted and then I worked on carving it out for them. When the pumpkins were all finished and we were cleaned up the pumpkins went out on the front porch.

Inside, Bresa and I worked on the pumpkin seeds. I had gotten a recipe with high reviews offline that we thought we would try. I have never made pumpkin seeds before but I had always wanted to try. I remember my friends having seeds to eat and though they

would share I always felt like I was missing out. Well, apparently you are supposed to dry the seeds real well before you cook them, this I did not know. The seeds came out with flavor but they weren't crunchy like I wanted so I wasn't happy with them. We will just have to try again next year.
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