Today Peter starts a whole new decade. I wanted to do a lot for him but he didn't really want much. Since we went to Tampa earlier in the week he needed to get back to work and arranged for clients to come by and pick up some things. This morning Peter went out to breakfast with some guy friends while I took the girls to school. A group of guys meet each Thursday for breakfast but I am usually at work so Peter can't go because it is

at the same time the girls have to be up and out the door so today it was nice that Peter was able to join them. Mike (Peter's Dad) came up to Orange City and took us out to Chili's for Peter's birthday. We had a good lunch and then went back home. I picked up the girls from school and then took them to the grocery store to get some snack food for Life Group tonight. Peter said he wanted pumpkin bread but didn't want to ask me for it because he knew it would take time and it wasn't the right season. I didn't care, I was just happy he was actually saying he wanted something. Abbi helped me bake the bread and then I made some hot dip for group tonight too. Brenda baked one of her famous "Brenda cakes" for Peter's birthday, it was red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. She made a cake and several cupcakes with Oreos on the top of each.

I should have taken a picture but we ate it up too quickly. I had gotten a card and had everyone sign it and I had picked up a few $10 iTunes cards that the members of the group bought off me tonight to give to Peter with the card from us all. In the end Peter ended up with a nice amount of iTunes money and some yummy food too. I figured since it was his 30th it should be a little grander than usual. Happy Birthday Peter, you are so loved by all of us and I am very blessed to be your wife. I hope this new shiny decade brings you more joy and blessings than you have ever previously experienced!
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