It is nice that my birthday happened to land on a Saturday this year so I didn't have to work. Peter made me chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast and served me in bed. He also brought me a dozen roses, a beautiful card, and an itunes gift card. Once we were all up and dressed we headed over to Waterford Lakes area and did a little shopping. We picked up a couple guitar shirts for the girls and one for Javan as well. Then we went to the Skechers outlet and got Javan a couple new pairs of sneakers. We walked over to the book store to see if they had a book I wanted called, Inconceivable. They did have it but it was twice the price of what I found it on Amazon for so Peter is just going to order it online for me. After getting a couple things at Target we met up with Christina and Noah at Chick-fil-a for lunch.

Peter and I have given up eating out for 40 days and we are two weeks in. It has been really hard and there have been many temptations but we have both done really well. We decided to take today off since it was my birthday but we are going right back to it tomorrow. After lunch the boys took the kids to Tina and Noah's house and Tina and I met up with Angella for pedicures and manicures. Today I got a Hot Stone pedicure which was great and felt so good. Usually I get the basic pedicure which feels good but this was a nice change. After our toes and fingernails were all prettied up we met the guys back at the house. Christina and Noah were throwing me a birthday party and they were making all sorts of wonderful food. Pulled pork, BBQ chicken, pearly pasta salad, baked beans, layered potato salad, grilled green beans, and corn succotash. Everything was delicious as usual.

Tina had invited a bunch of my friends and even though she lives a bit of a distance from our house several people came from our end of town. Rena and Reba both were able to make it from Gainesville and Tampa and then there were some friends who were more local to Orlando that came. Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate my day with me. I had a wonderful time and I appreciate everyone who shared it with me! I was hoping Peter would take more pictures but he isn't really the picture taker of the family.
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