A couple weeks ago I noticed a scab on Goose's (Lucy's) neck. I decided I would take her collar off so that she heal up real nice. After a day or two she was all healed up but the collar that

I had put on my night-stand was no where to be found. Goose must have hid it so we couldn't put it on her again. I looked all over but couldn't find it. After a week or so Abbi found the collar inside Goose's scratch pad. I put the collar back on Goose and she got mad and took off. The next morning Peter found the collar on the floor in the living room. I put it on her again but after a few minutes she had it off again. I tried this a couple more times but each time she took it off. Since Goose's birthday was coming up and she was going to get a new collar anyhow I decided to give in and let her have her week or so of nakedness that she usually only gets to enjoy on her birthday. After work today we all went to the Pet Store to get some presents for our

much loved kitty. We got her new inserts for her scratch post, a feather chew mouse, new pooper scooper, and of course a new collar. I wanted to get Goose the collar with spikes on it or maybe the one with skulls but Peter had already specified that Goose needed a more girlie collar than her last. I disputed that the blue collar was covered in sparkles but I suppose this wasn't good enough. A pink collar was chosen for this year with little designs and of course the token "Goose Bell" so I know where she is when she tries to sneak up on me. When we came home to shower

Goose with gifts she wasn't very thrilled. I put the collar on her first and she got mad and ran off for so long that we had to leave again to Life Group which was being held at our friend's house tonight. When we made it home again Goose still had her collar on and I called her to come up to the bed where her other gifts were. She didn't care about the scooper (Peter's excited though) nor

did she play with the feather mouse but when I put the refill in her scratch post she went crazy before I even put any catnip on it. She got on that thing and went to town! She clawed it and bit it and then just laid on it for a while. She clawed upright and then turned around and clawed downhill. I am happy she got something she can enjoy and I think she looks very pretty in her new collar. Happy Birthday Goose, you're the best kitty we have!!
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