A few weeks ago Bresa brought home a pamphlet from school. She asked me if she could partake in the Mathathon that they were doing. I didn't know what this was so I checked it out on the website and found out that to be involved the student has to take pledges and once that is done they

then have to complete a workbook of all math problems. If the student completes the entire math book they then collect the pledges and turn everything in. All the money raised goes to St. Jude's Research Hospital so it is for a very good cause. I signed the permission slip and then Bresa got to work making phone calls to start taking down pledges. She did a very good job and did all the calls herself (with a script I wrote out for her). She hasn't had too much practice on the phone, other than with Grandma, so this was a new experience for her. Eventually, the teacher sent home the workbook and Bresa worked very hard on it. She would do a few

pages and then stop for a day or two and then work on it again. There was a lot of work to do in it and somethings she didn't understand but she just asked for help and never got discouraged or annoyed with it. Finally, she was all done with each and every answer and ready to collect her pledges. Bresa's goal was to earn $100 and in the end she came out with $140! Great job Bresa! I am so proud of you for working so hard and doing such a great job, all for a wonderful cause!!
(I am not sure what's with the pink wings and princess hat in the photo, apparently Princesses do math too)
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