Every year before

Easter our church holds a community day that is focused on cleaning up the church buildings and grounds. Our church actually has these community days each month but they are usually off site at different locations throughout the area where we help clean up parks, build Habitat for Humanity houses, feed the homeless, or a number of other things. Today we came together to get the church looking great for Easter Sunday when we get more than the usual crowd for services. Peter and I brought the kids out at 8 am and we got to work. We pulled weeds, planted flowers, carted and spread mulch, hauled trimmed branches away, and raked and bagged leaves. The day was really

nice out and when you worked in the shade it wasn't too hot. The kids did really well and the girls went from helping to playing to helping and back to playing (it all depended on who they thought was watching). While we weeded Javan pulled all the berries off the tree and then he helped Daddy and I drag some branches. He even helped pick up the leaves to load the wheelbarrows. By noon we were ready to be done and thankfully all the work was accomplished. We went inside for a nice cooked meal and cold

water and lemonade. We may have been working but we had a great time and it was fun to work along side those who we normally only see Sunday mornings or Wednesday nights and never really get to talk in length with. Once we got home we all took showers and the boys took naps while the girls played quietly in their rooms and Grandma and I went shopping for Easter basket goodies.
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