&t The Taylor Family: Babysitting

Saturday, July 20


Today the father wanted to go swimming at
Daytona College and then to the beach. Of course, once he said this our children all wanted to go too. He asked if he could take them but I was hesitant to let him and the nanny out of the house with 4 children. The nanny is super sweet but she just flew in from Iceland and is only 20 years old and has never cared for a newborn before. She was great about asking me questions and allowing me to offer suggestions when it came to the baby but the dad didn't
really have much more experience and the mom was still in Texas trying to figure out the travel arrangements for them all to fly home after the baby makes it to a week old. I told the dad he could take my children but that he should leave the baby with me. He was fine with that arrangement so our children got all suited up and they all took off. The baby and I had a great time together. He mostly slept but I went through all his stuff that the mom had packed for him and organized it all so that the nanny could find it better. She hadn't gone through anything and when I asked if she had certain things for him she never knew. Today was the first day she
changed his clothes from what he wore home from the hospital because she didn't know he had anything else to wear. Well I organized everything and found burp rags and blankets. I sorted the diapers by size because they had some newborn ones and size 1 size. There were a few things that I knew they wouldn't need so I moved those to another bag so that there was more space to see what was needed. After a bit of a nap I gave the baby his first bath and trimmed his nails. Then I fed him some fresh breast milk that I had pumped for him. I put some nice clean clothes on him and wrapped him in a clean blanket. He was quiet all day long and didn't fuss at all. I put him in the spare room so he could take a nice long nap in the dark. Eventually the children came home around 7 or so. They went to take showers and then off to bed. The nanny was very happy with the bag I organized. She said it was so nice to be able to see everything. I was happy about that because I was a little nervous she would think I was trying to take over. Really, I was just trying to make things easier and ensure the baby was being taken care of.


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