&t The Taylor Family: Recovery

Thursday, July 18


Recovery Day 1
I have to take Methergine by mouth 3 times a day and with it I was taking Percocet but this morning a few hours after I had taken my dose I took a couple bites of breakfast and then asked Peter for a bucket. Thankfully he was pretty quick and I threw up in the bucket a few times instead of on the bed or floor. I paged the nurse and she came in to clean things up. We talked about how the Percocet could be causing me to be nauseous and she said I could take just one next time or I could try and just take Motrin for the pain. I had her bring me some Motrin and to be honest most of the pain I had was in my back from the epidural and not from cramping. Throughout the day I had some cramping but it wasn’t too bad but my back was feeling pretty sore. I took one more Motrin before I went to sleep and then slept pretty well that night.

Recovery Day 2
The Dad of the baby finally arrived last night so I got to see the baby again. This morning I was ready to go home and tired of being in the hospital. We hadn’t heard from the Dad but had tried to contact him lots of times. My doctor filled out my discharge papers so we were just waiting for the nurse to finalize everything. My bleeding really was reduced and I hadn’t had any more clots and other than my back being sore I wasn’t in any pain.
I didn’t take any more pain medicine after last night and finally around noon we were released to go home. At home the kids were very happy to see me. I mostly rested in bed and my mom finished cleaning up and then got going. She left flowers in almost every room for me to enjoy and cleaned the house beautifully. My back started to hurt a bit so I asked Peter to heat up my rice-sock. I almost took some Ibuprofen but I started to feel a bit better so I held out and ended up not taking anything.


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