&t The Taylor Family: A new Faucet

Wednesday, July 10

A new Faucet

When we first moved into this house one of the first things I said needed to be changed was the kitchen sink faucet. At the time I didn't think there was anything wrong with it but I wanted something higher for filling pots and something with a spray that wasn't corroded and gross. Just a couple weeks ago I noticed that our faucet was actually leaking from
the top. I told Peter about it and he looked it over and figured there must be a part inside that was broken too. When you turned the water off the water that was in the neck of the faucet would drain back down to the handle where it would come out all over the sink where the setting sat. Not a big deal but it seemed to be getting worse and finally Peter told me to find the faucet I wanted and to order it online. I, of course,
already had one picked out and found it for about $45 less than what I had seen previously. I ordered it and today we got it via UPS. I didn't tell Peter that we had gotten it because he was busy working so I just put the box on the counter and went on with things. When Peter came in to the kitchen and saw it he went back to work to finish some things up and then started to do a little online research to see how to install a new faucet.
We have never done anything like that before but with the plethora of information and videos online these days you can usually figure out how to fix anything if you are even slightly handy with some tools. Peter started working on it and after we took a couple breaks to eat and talk and do a few other things he finished it up and turned the water back on. I am so excited to have this nice new faucet and even
more excited that we didn't have to call our plumber out to put it in for us. Peter is so handy, he also just fixed his Civic after doing just a few minutes of research online. That easily saved us a few hundred dollars and in the end all he had to do was replace a small plastic piece that had worn down and caused the brake lights to be permanently on when the car was turned off and completely drain the battery.


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