&t The Taylor Family: Crafty scares

Tuesday, October 17

Crafty scares

Over the weekend while my mom rested and the girls took a nap I took a trip to Michael's (I love that store). They had some cool foam craft things that I wanted to get for the girls and the last store I went to was out of them. I was looking for the Nativity Scene and also the Three Wise Men. I thought having Brye help me put the foam things together would be a good way for her to learn the story of Jesus' birth and having something physical would help her remember for the coming years. I lucked out and the Michael's I went to had them both so I grabbed them up and then looked at some other foam creations they had. They had some pretty cool Halloween ones but I didn't want to spend too much money so I just picked up one. On Saturday night after my mom and I had cleaned up from the garage sale Brye and my mom and I put the Halloween thing together. It was pretty hard actually and there were a lot of teeny pieces but in the end the project turned out pretty good. I left it over at my mom's house so she could have a Halloween decoration from us since she is the one who has given us all of our decorations. Overall I am impressed with the outcome of the scene and I think it looks pretty cool.


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