Scrub those floors!

Fortunately I have just the people to give me the help I need. Brye helped me bring in the laundry and after I folded it she put all her things away. Then we went out to give Oscar a quick clean, he feels so much better now. When we came in and changed out of the wet clothes (I think the girls got more water on them than they did on the car) Abbi helped me dust. I think dusting is my least favorite household chore, probably because it needs to be done constantly.

While Brye helped me unload the dishwasher by putting all the silverware away,

The last thing that needed to be done was sweep the kitchen floor, as you can see the girls worked together to get this done. I am so lucky to have such great helpers, even if the house isn't really that much cleaner than it was to begin with, I appreciate the help more than they know!
Shouldn't the babies parents be providing some sort of house cleaning? I know if you were my surrogate I wouldn't want you to have to clean your house. You're like 22 weeks pregnant with triplets, most people are on bedrest by now, it seems like the parents would want to take care of you. Just my opinion, I am concerned for your health and don't want you to hurt yourself over things that could be easily provided for.
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