&t The Taylor Family: Please Pray

Friday, January 11

Please Pray

I sent out a prayer request about a month ago, asking for prayers for a few different people who were in difficult situations. I just got the following email from a good friend, Claire, whose daughter was one of those I asked for prayers for. Please read the following and please keep Donna and her family in your daily prayers...

It is with a saddened heart, but filled with faith and hope that I update you on Donna.
She got the word today that her cancer, renal cancer of the lungs, is inoperable and incurable. There are 3 treatments available and for now she will be on a pill which is rather new and all of the side effects aren't known. She will be four weeks on, two weeks off. If this fails, they can go to an IV treatment. , and quite honestly I forget what the 3rd one is . No radiation. The doctor told her to go on with the trip which she and Dennis had paid for and planned since August. Going skiing in Colorado with their 2 boys and the boys girlfriends. She will have a rough road ahead.
I would also ask that you please pray that the insurance company will pay for the medications which are very expensive.
Thank you all for your support, love and concern. Donna appears to be in pretty good shape in spite of the news she got awhile ago.


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