I get paid for today and tomorrow and went into work this past Saturday so that I could have Friday off and paid as well. It was a nice change to be able to sleep in in the morning though I still managed to get up around 7:00. I went to work baking and cooking for our dinner over at my mom's house as the girls cleaned their room (slowly). I made pumpkin bread, brownies, cookies (for santa) and deviled eggs. While everything was baking I set to work cleaning the house top to bottom so that Santa would be sure to stop by tonight. Peter went and grabbed some lunch for us all and then the girls took a nap to minimize their crankiness for the late night we expected.

When they woke up they got cleaned and dressed in their beautiful gowns and we set off for Grandma's house. We made a stop by our friend Chris and Miss Kim's so they could tell us how beautiful the girls. We got to Grandma's and after Brian came home and Janell and Wyatt showed up we had some yummy dinner and watched some wonderful Christmas Futurama episodes. It was dark now and the family was tired. I figured we would take the girls out to see some Christmas lights while the rest of the crew took a nap. We drove around and then went to the big Christmas house that we stop by every year and walked around it. I had sold the owners some Poinsettias earlier this year

and he told me where to look for them in the display. We found them right where he said so that was pretty cool. We had to go back to my mom's house because I left my purse there and Abbi left her Snuggly Bear. We knocked on the door but no one answered so I told the girls to stay quiet because they were probably still sleeping. We went in and the girls noticed right away all the presents around the tree. Santa must have come while we were away!!

The girls woke everyone up and then we spent the rest of the night opening presents before going home. They got some great princess stuff and Bresa got the Snow White gown that she really wanted. When we got home Santa hadn't arrived yet so we put out some cookies and milk and also a huge carrot for the reindeer in hopes that Santa would stop by later.
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