Today started off rather nicely with a baby shower thrown by my Life Groups gals. We had a great time and I really enjoyed all the yummy food and being able to rest with my feet up for a few hours. Everyone was very generous and almost everyone bought off my Target registry which was such a blessing because those are the things I need most. The baby is getting more prepared for birth everyday and Peter and I trying to do the same outside the womb. There are still quite a few things that we need but we are getting closer to being ready every week.

Unfortunately, I didn't take too many pictures because I was too busy chatting and making sure I tasted everything. Kelli took lots of pictures with her camera but I haven't gotten those photos from her yet. Brenda made the cake and it was absolutely gorgeous. It looked like a wedding cake with two tears and pillars decorated with baby ornaments and pearls! The bottom was chocolate and the top was white cake both with white icing. I will add a picture of it when I get one from Kelli.
Later we went to the church Worship Team party because Peter plays lead guitar in the band. We had a lot of fun there too and played the white elephant game where you steal and swap presents. This was the first year we actually ended up with something better than we brought. We were suppose to bring "regifted" gifts but we didn't have any so I went through the garage sale things to find unopened products that were never used. It was definitely a very fun day but also very tiring too.
To all who may also be following the Blogs of the Smith Family and The Scott family ,as a very proud Mom of of 3 sons,two of which are serving in the USNavy and my 2 beautiful daughters both whom are blessed with the "MY" two new grandchildren soon to arrive within days of each other in early January.Needless to say I have no words to express these extreme emotions I am feeling. Filled with tears of extreme Joy and Proudness of How truly Blessed I am. God has blessed my Sons,Steve and Mark with with perfect partners,Heather and Angie, loving wives and mothers to ("MY") Grandsons.When I see their developing cheerful and loving personalities I see a continuous reflection of God's love shinning . Only a mother can provide....con't next commemt
Continued... I too want everyone to know how happy and proud I am of the partners God has chosen for my Daughters. Wyatt and Janell are now expecting their first child. I have watched their love and closeness grow over the past 10 years.I have watched their patience and affection grow as they have supported each others goals and now to know they too will be blessed with a child from God..I have so much love and respect also for Peter, whom has shown me just how GOD is our life,the Patience, Love Devotion and he shares with his family. Together He and Chellee have Blessed "ME" with 2 of the most precious little girls a Grandma could ask for and will soon Bless "ME" with a little bundle of joy for me to spoil..Lucky Me!! Their total faith in The Lord is present in their everyday life.They are continuously surrounded by true and caring friends Then to Brian you are just beginning your life with decisions and challenges ahead of you. Please always know I love you and support you. I am so very proud of you .I want you to know though you are away from your physical home and surroundings you are all our hearts.Keep God as your Guide and You too will always be home... Who would ever know that "my " 5 beautiful children would continue to Bless me in a way God only could make me see, that "ME" is only an extended privilege of HIS Love for us.
My Wishes for a beautiful Christmas go unselfishly to every person who have shared in the creation and development of these beautiful families . Love to All, a Proud MOM
So beautiful!!!! And how blessed we are to have such a kind caring mother in our lives who unselfishly gives of herself always. From the very first moment I met you, you have welcomed me into your family with loving arms. I am so ever grateful to God for you and your family. Your family is a true reflection of the heart warming person that you are.
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