&t The Taylor Family: Out and about

Wednesday, March 31

Out and about

This morning we all decided to sleep in so we got off to a later start than usual but the sleep was very much needed after our last couple of late nights. Tina and Noah made egg, ham, and cheese sandwiches for breakfast with sliced bananas on the side. After our bellies were full and we were all clean and ready to head out we drove to a nearby town to check out the gaming store that we always visit. Tina and Noah got some new games (one that the guy running the store showed us how to play and we actually sat and played it while at the store) and Peter found some tools (that the store sells for War Hammer character painting and sculpting) that he can use for his guitar stuff. We headed to lunch at a really nice outdoor mall and then walked around and window shopped for a while. After food was digested we headed back the house for a pit stop and then we were off to The Nation Museum of the United States Air Force which Peter thoroughly enjoyed. We didn't have much time there because they were closing but Peter got to see his favorite plane and read about a few things and we were able to pick up a couple things for Javan. We will probably be back in the next couple of days to watch one of the IMAX movies they show. When we got home Tina and I played a few games and Wii while the boys played on their computers and did geek stuff. ;) For dinner we enjoyed a wonderful cheese fondue with ham and fruits for dipping and later followed it up with chocolate fondue.


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