After not quite enough sleep I got up when I heard little footsteps and giggling. Grandma had set up the kids with cereal and went back to bed so once they were finished I set up a movie for them and took my bible out to the creek to read. I did the same thing yesterday and it was very peaceful and tranquil sitting next to the flowing water. When I came back in Sean was up and getting breakfast so I went and woke up Peter too. Eventually everyone was up and dressed and we decided to go to Ashville which is only about 20 miles away. My mom wanted to stay home with Javan again so the rest of us loaded up in Oscar and rode together. We were hoping to get to go tubing down a river here but pretty soon the rain started in.

The boys attempted to find a nice park but we got lost so we decided to head to a guitar shop that sells acoustic guitars for tens of thousands of dollars a piece. Peter had a good time looking at them all and playing a couple of them while talking to the shop owner. The owner told us about a place called Fun Depot that had a lot of things for kids to do so we decided to check it out. When we got there the power was out due to the storm so they were letting everyone play miniature golf for free and giving away Dippin Dots before they melted. We all got our own cup of Dippin Dots and sat down to enjoy them. While we were sitting and looking around we saw a rock climbing wall. I had always wanted to try it so Peter went to see how much it was. Because the power was still out they couldn't ring us up and told us to just go for it. Peter gave them some cash anyhow

and then him and I tried the wall. There were four different difficulty levels so Peter took the second hardest and I went for the third hardest. It was pretty challenging but I made it to the top and Peter got there right after me. When I let go and coasted to the ground the guy working the wall told me to try the hardest one and hooked me up. Peter then went to the one I just came off of to give it a try. I started up the hard wall and got about 10 feet up when I lost my grip and fell down. I didn't give up though and started climbing again. This wall was a lot harder because there were fewer places that you could grab on to and it was easy to slip. I got quite the workout and took a while but I kept going. I was about 10 feet from the top when I heard Peter and then the girls cheering me on. It was really difficult and I wasn't sure if I could make the last foot to hit

the button (I still hit the button even though it didn't sound) but I persevered and made it! When I came down I was really sore and sweaty but it was worth it. Sean and Ali had their go around at the wall and even the kids tried, the girls didn't get too far but it was fun just to try. The adults got some more Dippin Dots and then the kids all played miniature golf inside. Once all the fun to be had was done we headed back to the house where we made tacos for dinner and watched a short movie with the kids. My mom cut into her Birthday cake from yesterday and we all dug in.
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