We left for NC just before 6 am this morning.

The car was loaded up with everything we needed for the week including clothes, games, books, and of course food. My mom had come over to our house late last night to spend the night because she was coming on the trip with us. The trip started off great and we didn't really hit any traffic. The morning passed quickly and we sang some songs and talked and pointed out things. The kids were pretty sleepy from waking up so early so they were pretty quiet for the most part. We stopped in SC to eat a picnic lunch and then continued our trek to NC. For some reason the afternoon passed slower than the morning, perhaps because the excitement was rising and we could almost smell the mountain air. Just before we crossed the state line into NC we started to see the mountains. We only had 20 miles or so to go but now that we were on winding roads each mile took 4 times as long. At about 3:30 we pulled up to our house and as we were

unpacking Sean and Ali pulled up too. Great timing! We unloaded the cars and explored the house. Did a little catching up and then the kids got dressed in their swimsuits so they could go play in the creek in the backyard. That was a lot of fun and we all got wet and took lots of pictures. I could easily spend the entire week just sitting, playing, and exploring the creek. After a couple hours

I went upstairs to prepare dinner for us all. The kids got out of the water and we all ate Hoagies on the top porch while drying off. After dinner and dessert Ali and I took a walk and then went back down to the water and sat and talked until the kids found us. After a little more playing we went inside and chilled until we couldn't keep our eyes open any longer. The photos are of us playing in the creek and the last shot is of the house we stayed at.
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