Time to pack up and head back home today. We had to be out of the house by 11:00 so we set to work packing everything up and making sure to look under all the couches and chairs for misplaced toys. Mom made oatmeal for everyone and the kids ate theirs up while watching a movie as the rest of us gathered our things. We collected all the clothes and toys, packed up the guitars and emptied the fridge. Peter packed up Oscar and made sure to double check all the drawers and closets for clothes and belongings. Before we left we took a couple more pictures of the kids and then a few shots of all of us sitting on big rock by the creek. My

camera battery had died by this point so we used Ali’s camera for these. We said good bye and started off but we didn’t get far because we needed to do just a little bit more last minute shopping. The girls each got a necklace with a gem holder and I picked up a couple more of the necklaces liked. My mom went out and got a couple shirts and fudge and I also picked up a nice necklace-bracelet set for Lisa who was taking care of Goose for us. Back in the car and ready to go. We stopped at a produce stand on the way out and got some tomatoes and peaches and then we made way to the highway. We drove for about an hour before pulling over for lunch at Chick-fil-a and then we were off again. We didn’t stop too much on the way home just enough for gas and bathroom breaks. I drove for about an hour but Peter did all the rest. We got home just after 9:00 and unpacked the car and put everything away. Baby Javan was fast asleep so I changed his diaper and clothes and put him in his crib. He will probably be very confused when he wakes up in his own bed in the morning. The girls put their things away and then went to bed too. My mom took her things from the car and then headed back to her house. Lucy-Goose was very happy to see us and told us all about her week at home alone, she talked and purred a lot. Once I was satisfied with everything being put away Peter and I turned in for the night too. We had a great vacation and I think it was much needed, but it is so nice to back in our own bed again.
Thank You !!Peter and Chellee for the fantastic time. What a great birthday present.It was fun just being a passenger. Also I really enjoyed staying back at the cabin with my little care bear.I loved seeing all the fun the kids had. I thought the make your own wooden bead necklaces was fun,too. Thanks to Alli and Sean for including me in their vacation as well. I had a great time staying up every night talking with Alli after all the tired people went to bed :) Great memory...I love you all,Mom
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