Since today is President's Day the kids had off from school, for some reason though, I still had to work. I didn't mind, I actually haven't been into work since last Tuesday because I had my PEAF State Conference the last half of last week. I knew there would be a bit of stuff waiting for me but I had set up my out of office email alert and changed my voicemail so people would know I wasn't around. Since there is no school today the Fire Department decided to have their annual Family Day and since the Police Department now shares a building with the FD we joined in on their fun. All employees families were invited and food was provided. Peter brought the kids up and I met them out front before we got some lunch cooked by the Firefighters. Once we finished eating we walked over to a few things the FD had set up for the kids.

One station had Jr. Firefighter gear that the kids had to hurry and get on and walk around in, just like the real Firefighters! It was so cute and a blast to see the kids in it. Javan and Abbi got all dressed and were showing off their stuff, Bresa was not interested I think she was embarrassed to do it. Once Javan and Abbi had shed their fire gear we watched the PD motorist (motorcycle unit) give a cool demonstration on how much control and handling they have of their bikes. Javan liked this because they had their lights going the whole time. Our FD just purchased a brand new fire engine this year. The truck is so new they haven't even taken it on a call yet. They had the truck all set up and the kids could get in and look around but Javan liked the

really big wheels best of all. After we grabbed a piece of cake we went up to my office so I could show the girls around since they hadn't seen the new place yet. They were really intrigued by my ID badge that unlocked all the doors just by waving it in front of the panel. I showed Bresa the Crime Scene lab in my office and she said, "Wow Mommy, do you do science in here?" Abbi was very impressed with all the space that I had and that I got to decorate my desk and area however I wanted to. She was happy that I had some pictures she had made me up on my wall and I told her and Bresa that I needed some new drawings from them. Abbi also really liked my stamps (Rush-Juvenile, Dead File, PD address, Faxed, etc). I don't know when

'Take your child to work day' is but if the PD lets me (sometimes they have issues due to sensitivity) I will bring the girls back so they see how things work.
I would have taken a lot more pictures but, of course, I didn't think to charge my battery beforehand and it was just about dead.
The other great thing about today was that my friend, Radley, came by while she was down visiting from Virginia! It was so good to see you Radley, you have no idea how much you are missed! Work is just not the same without you. :(
I just love seeing all of you having so much fun as always sorry I missed it.Looked at all the posting for this month so far and I need to spend more fun times with them as well. They will be grown before I know it...See you tomorrow to pick up Javan. Love,Mom and Grandma
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