I had arranged to take Peter shooting for his birthday last week but things got a little crazy with my Grandfather passing and all the traveling around we had to do. I decided it would be best if we postponed the fun until this week. I borrowed a few firearms from my Sergeant and then picked up some ammo. I arranged to go out to a friends property and shoot since they have large acreage and apparently shoot all the time. Peter didn't know anything about it as I wanted it to be a surprise. Since I started

working at the Police Department and went shooting the first time Peter has really wanted to go. We have several friends who own firearms and they always said they would have to go out but nothing was ever planned. I know how guys are so instead of just saying would do something I made plans to do something. Sgt. Ceisla let me have my pick of what I wanted to borrow and really the only gun I knew I wanted was a Glock 9mm because Peter has done a lot of reading up on them and decided he wants one even though he has never shot one. I decided to also bring along a Ruger rifle and a revolver. I really wanted to bring a Smith and Wesson

Model 60 but I couldn't find anyone who had one available. Both the rifle and the revolver shot 22 LR so the ammo was cheap and easy found. After we picked up the firearms Peter got excited and when we headed out to Mike's property he didn't know where to start. We started small with the 22s since the recoil is really light and then moved up to the Glock. Mike has a shotgun and he had some pigeons so we did a little skeet shooting which was new to me. I had never shot a shotgun before and I was surprised at how much kick it didn't give. The shotgun was a 12 gauge Browning and Mike had told me ahead of time so I picked up a few boxes of ammo for that too. I did very poorly on the skeet shooting but I demolished the targets when they weren't moving. LOL. Peter did pretty well with everything

but decided the Glock was his favorite. Next time I will have to get an M-4 for Peter to try out and maybe get a hold of one of those S&W or a comparable Taurus that I want. Thanks Sarge for the guns and thanks Mike for letting us make some holes in your property!
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