Peter and I have been quite busy traveling across Florida this week. Yesterday Peter and I went up to Jacksonville with Steve and Heather. We stayed overnight in a hotel to be close to the church for Pepere's funeral in the morning. Last night we met up with lots of family and had a nice dinner at Ted's Montana Grill. Peter and I had never been there and tried some bison burgers and we were really happy with how lean and not-greasy they were. After dinner we went back to the hotel and hung out with Steve and Heather for a while before retiring to our own room. We got up early and dressed for the funeral. We met everyone for breakfast again and then headed over to the church a little early. I really wanted to get to say hi and talk to all my aunts and uncles before the service started at 10:30 and do a little catching up.

The kids were home with my mom so Peter and I had more time to focus on family without distractions. The funeral was a standard Catholic Funeral and was nicely done and moving. I did alright until the Coast Guard brought out the American Flag and saluted it. The flag was presented to Memere, of course, after taps were played. There was a reception to follow the funeral but Peter and I had get on the road to try and make it to Rena's wedding. Rena's ceremony was at 11:00 in Gainesville a good hour and half away. We knew we missed the ceremony, which I had already told Rena we would, but we wanted to make the reception.

Peter did a good job of driving to the hall in the rain and not being familiar with the area at all. The reception started at 1:00 and we showed up about 1:10 which was pretty good. My friend let me borrow a saree (sari) for the wedding so I got changed and we went in. Rena is Indian so there were lots of Indian relatives all dressed in beautiful Indian attire. I was excited to wear a saree and had been looking forward to it all week. Rena looked beautiful and we are so happy for her and TJ. We stayed until just about everyone had left and then headed home ourselves. We got to catch up with some old friends from high school

(Rena was in Peter's grade so there were a few classmates he hadn't seen since he graduated). Tina and Noah were there too and of course, Rena's sisters, Reba and Sheba. We had a good time and we were really glad that we were able to make the reception but sad we missed the ceremony. Lots of Rena's relatives commented positively on my saree and told Peter he needed to buy me more of them. :) Congratulations Rena and TJ, we wish you much happiness and we are so excited to have another married couple to hang out with!
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