This morning we got up and the kids and I made it out to the Farmer's market in Debary. I missed it last week so I was happy to be able to pick up some more fresh produce and we even ran into our friends, Kelli and Woody, there which was a nice surprise. We then went over to Publix for this week's groceries. We made it back to the house around 11 where we all ate lunch and then the girls played calmly for a little while. I wanted Javan to take a nap but I am pretty sure he just sang and talked the whole time he was in bed. It seemed like a long time since we went to the REP Theatre last but today it was finally time again. This time we had tickets to see the play Click, Clack, Moo which is about farm animals who don't feel they are being treated fairly. They find an old typewriter in the barn and use it to send Farmer Brown messages and requests. Before the show the children sat, colored and put together cow masks and then drew some photos of the inside of barns. The play was actually a "Moosical" so there was lots of singing and dancing too. We were going to leave Javan with my mom but he loves cows and music so we decided to take him with us because he would enjoy it. He did really well but did like to climb back and forth from

Daddy to me until I brought out his cup and some grapes. The girls enjoyed the show and Bresa went to talk to all the characters afterwards while Abbi stayed with Daddy and I after only talking to the hen. The play was pretty cute and there were some pretty funny parts that only the adults understood (like referencing the book Animal Farm several times). After the play we stopped at Best Buy so Peter could pick up a new Bluetooth set and then we headed over to Tina and Noah's for dinner and a game of Settlers of Catan. Dinner was excellent (as always) and the kids enjoyed watching a movie and playing Animal Crossing while us adults played our game and talked. All in all a wonderful day!
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