Since we have a new clean building and I no longer sit in a room full of drugs and guns

I figured I could participate in our city's annual Take your Child to Work Day. I made sure to get all my real work done yesterday and not have any large projects that needed my attention for today so that I could spend the day with Bresa. We got up really early and got ready for work and then drove off while it was still dark out. Bresa kept saying I got up too early and she was going to sleep in the car on the way. We stopped and picked up McDonald's breakfast, a very special treat, and took it to my office to eat. I showed Bresa how I came in the mornings and emptied the evidence lockers of all things left for me by the officers. We made sure all the lockers were clear and then I took the stuff to my desk to log in.

While I did that Bresa ate her breakfast and then started decorating my calendar for me. Once I was done with my logging in and eating my breakfast I showed her how I have to use gloves a lot for protection and how I usually draw on them to make them more exciting than the plain blue that they come in. She loved this idea and went to work making several pairs. We walked around the building and checked my mailboxes and then I took her outside to the shed where I keep my oversized evidence. I showed her my sliding bike rack and told her how the officers locked up bikes and such so that I could come and get them. We took a trip down to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office where she got to meet all my friends over there. They were very excited to see her and asked her lots of questions. Later we went to lunch that City Hall was providing for the kids and parents and had pizza, chips, cookies, and drinks.

There were a few demonstrations that they had but one of the CSTs and I had another idea. Yesterday Jake and I had prepared some CD's with our fingerprints and put them in the fuming chamber so we could show the kids (he brought his daughter in also) how it worked. Today, we pulled out the fumed CD's and showed the girls how you could see the fingerprints we left behind. Then we showed them how to dust the CD's and pull the prints. Once that was done we gave the girls each a CD to cover in their prints and then let them dust them themselves (skipping the fuming chamber this time). Bresa was very intrigued with the process and made sure to get all the prints as dark as possible so she could pull them off with the latent tape.

Once she dusted, I helped her put the tape on the CD and then she smoothed it out with a credit card so there were no bubbles. Then we lifted the tape and put it on a latent card (plan white card made for the tape). You could easily see lots of fingerprints with very clear ridge detail, perfect prints for catching criminals. Bresa complained that some sections didn't show any prints but after using the magnifying loop she could tell that even when there doesn't seem like

anything is there it doesn't mean there isn't. As I was cleaning up and getting ready to go home Bresa played with my stamps and made some pictures. I apologized for not having any cool stamps but she didn't seem to care. When we got home Bresa told Abbi and Daddy all about her day and all the fun she had. I was glad she had a good time and wasn't too bored when I had real work to do.
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