When my sergeant started telling me that I needed to take a vacation I knew it was time to get away. Normally, for my birthday, I go up to Ohio to see Tina and Noah, but now that they moved to Orlando I had no reason to go anywhere. Not taking a break from work was getting to me so Tina planned a girl's getaway for us and Rena and Reba. We got a hotel up in St. Augustine and just took each day at a time.

We had some ideas of what we wanted to do and see but nothing was really planned out until that day. It was nice to have a flexible schedule but still have a good number of ideas too. When we got to St. Augustine on Tuesday we had lunch at Panera and then went to the hotel to check in. We shopped at the Prime Outlet stores and found a couple good bargains and then went downtown and had dinner at Tokyo Thai. The food was great and it was nice a quiet so we were able to enjoy good conversation over our meal. Wednesday we went to Castillo De San Marcos and explored the fort. I had just come in January with Peter so I wasn't too interested in seeing it all again but everyone else hadn't been since our fourth grade field trip so it was like seeing it for the first time for them. We explored all the rooms and listened to one of the volunteers in uniform explain the fort and the history behind it all. It was very fascinating even if I had just been there. After the fort we walked down St. George Street and shopped some more. We went in to any of the little stores that one of us was interested in and before long we stopped for lunch at The Bunnery, a great little cafe with wonderful salads and sandwiches. After lunch we walked down to Flagler

College and to the Lightner Museum. We explored a little bookstore and peeked into a couple other museums to see what they had to offer. Our feet were getting tired from all the walking so we headed back to the car but stopped for some cool treats first. When we got back to the hotel we took a nice 2 hour dip in the swimming pool. The temperature was great and the water felt so nice on our feet. We went back up to the room to shower and clean up and then headed out to dinner at Ruby Tuesday's. I hadn't been there in years and I was surprised at how much selection they had. The food was really good and didn't taste like the frozen heated up entrees I had remembered from before. After all the walking and big meal we were all pretty much ready for bed. Thursday we got up and dressed for the beach. When we got there I was freezing. I didn't bring my suit because I knew I wouldn't want to go swimming but I was the only one. We got to the beach and it was completely empty so we set up a blanket and I tried to get warm. After a little bit Rena and I started collecting shells where the water stopped. Tina joined in our walk and we found lots of washed up jelly fish. We rested on the blanket for a while after that every now and then we could see the waves bringing in

more jelly fish, it was pretty cool to watch them roll in and out with the water. We saw a couple of crabs running around and before too long decided we would go get cleaned up. After we had all showered we headed back to Panera to have lunch once again and then decided to hit the Premium Outlets that we hadn't been to yet. We shopped and shopped some more and found a few more good deals. Rena had to head back to Gainesville early on so we sad good bye and shopped a little longer. Eventually we had exhausted all the stores so Tina, Reba, and I headed to Port Orange to meet Noah at Red Robin for dinner. Dinner was great and very filling. Reba headed back to Tampa in her car and Tina and Noah took me home. I had a great time and the getaway was just what I needed. It is also nice to not get back from vacation and have to go to work the next day. I really enjoyed myself but I must say I missed Peter so much and of course the children too.
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