Well no matter how we try we can never get away from normal life completely. Today I had a doctor's appointment for the babies but since it was just up the coast about 25 minutes or so I didn't mind too much. The appointment was set for 10:15 but at 11:00 there was a PEAF meeting at Daytona PD. We have our meetings quarterly and this quarter it just happened to fall on our vacation. The PD is literally 5 minutes down the road from my doctor so I told the board that I would try to come but would

probably be late because the dr office always makes we wait at least 30 minutes past my appointment time before they call me back. I didn't have to go to the PEAF meeting but since I am VP and I really enjoy the meetings I didn't mind going on my time. Also, I had already told the other board members about my situation and told them that Peter would be with me if I were to come. I had previously said I would give a presentation on Aspergillius Fungi and prevention and awareness of Aspergilliousis and I had a banner that I had made for one of our members who was retiring that everyone was supposed to sign. Grandma stayed at the

condo with the kids and was going to take them over to the pool while we were gone and told us not to hurry back. Peter and I left the doctor's office about 11:15 and then headed to the PD. The meeting went great and we ate while we were there so Peter was happy too. After a tour of the evidence division at the PD we headed back to the condo. I checked the radar and saw there was some rain but looked to be going south of us so we planned to wait until about 3 and then go to the beach. When we got back to the condo Grandma was still at the pool with the kids. They had gone in the morning and then came in to eat a snack and reapply sunscreen then headed back. We called the kids in and fed them lunch and had them change into their SPF suits. Peter went to the cabana for little bit to do a bit of business on his computer and Grandma and I packed up what we

wanted to take to the beach with us and reapplied more sunscreen to the kids and ourselves. When Peter returned we just loaded everything up in the wagon and off we went. There weren't many people at the beach so we picked a good spot and set up. We did the usual swimming and such and I started to dig another water hole closer to the ocean this time so it wouldn't have to be so deep.

Grandma worked on the dirt I pulled out to make a castle and the girls worked on their own little projects here and there, even Daddy got down and dirty and made a volcano just for Abbi-gails. The water came up sooner than we expected so soon everyone was working on building a wall around my hole to save it. Soon all the inside walls were caving in and the

water was coming up over the barricades we had created and there was no salvaging it but it was fun while it lasted. Daddy and Abbi played some paddle ball and I played in the water a little with Javan before taking a seat and trying to read my new book a bit. We stayed there for about 4 hours and then packed up and headed back for some dinner.

Before we went back in the condo we stopped at the pool and rinsed off in the shower and then took a dip in the pool. I made tacos when we returned and Grandma made chocolate milkshakes.
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