&t The Taylor Family: Cow Appreciation Day

Friday, July 13

Cow Appreciation Day

It's the Annual Cow Appreciation
Day where you can dress up like a cow and get free Chick-fil-A. We always participate so earlier the girls started working on their costumes in order to be ready for the evening. Javan had a rough day and started throwing up just after lunch and continued all evening. When I got home I told Peter to take the girls to dinner and I would just stay home with our little man. Javan seemed fine with being sick, he didn't have a fever or act like he didn't feel well he would just stop what he was doing and throw up. Sometimes he wouldn't even be bothered and Abbi would have to come tell us because Javan would just go on with what he was doing before it happened. I made Javan some oatmeal and he ate a little and then got sick again so I gave him some crackers which he ate about 2 of and then drank some juice and water. He went to bed and Peter came home with our little cow-girls.


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