The other day Abbi brought me a form from school talking about Muffins for Mom's and having to be signed up with a name of who was attending. I asked Abbi about it and what it was all about and she told me they were having a Mother's Day Party in her class and I was invited. I asked Abbi if she wanted me to go to it and she very quietly said yes. I said okay and filled out the form and told her to put it back in her backpack. After that Abbi was all excited, apparently it was pretty much all she talked about the whole time I was gone on my trip. This morning I got up and ready and went to Abbi's class at school. The children did a short presentation of songs for the moms and then we went and sat at the tables where our children served us muffins and tea. Abbi

gave me a recipe book with a couple pages of information she had filled out about me and a picture of me that she had drawn. I had a good time eating with Abbi and asking about the pictures up on the walls and which ones were hers. Eventually it was time for me to go and Abbi was sad but she is a good girl and I told her I would see her after school. I am happy that such a small thing could make Abbi so happy, she pretty much just giggled the entire time I was there.
That is so sweet. Chance starts pre-k this year, this is just one of the many school things I have to look forward to.
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