I enjoy serving on the WM team but sometimes I do miss just attending the events and not having to worry about all the behind-

the-scenes stuff. At the end of the day though it feels good to know that I may have had some small part in blessing another lady. This year our Spring Conference was on mentoring our daughters and mentoring beyond our families. We had several different speakers that talked about mentoring different age groups and gave practical ideas on how to raise Godly children and be a light in our daily worlds. We talked about how we are called to witness to others even outside of our families and what it meant to be a Titus 2 woman. After our sessions all the ladies were brought to dining hall to enjoy a

wonderful catered meal. Everything was excellent and since we assign which table each lady sits at there were many new friends made. I only heard good feedback from everyone I spoke with so hopefully the surveys we collected will reflect the same thing. After we all cleaned up and set up the rooms for church services tomorrow we all went on our ways to prepare for tomorrow (Mother’s Day).
*Just FYI, those raspberry tarts in the picture were made by the WM team. We made over 400 of those pastry shells yesterday and then today they will filled with the cream and topped with raspberries (so delicious!!).
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