&t The Taylor Family: Meet the Teacher

Friday, August 19

Meet the Teacher

Today was meet the teacher day at school for the girls. Bresa is going into 3rd grade and Abbi is going into 1st grade. Over the summer the school had Abbi tested and decided she needed to be in the gifted program so she will have Mrs. Wright who was Bresa's teacher for the last 3 years. She teaches K-2 grades gifted so she will have Abbi next year too. Since Bresa is moving up to 3rd grade she has Mrs. Cothran who teaches 3-5 grades gifted. We know Mrs. Wright pretty well by now and we are excited that she will have Abbi in her class. Since they are both gifted teachers their classes are right next to each other and connected by a door. I am not sure how the girls feel about this but it is very convenient for Peter and I. This photo is taken in Bresa's new room. All the kids had a good time drawing, coloring, and doing a word search while Daddy and I filled out some paperwork and talked with the new teacher.


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