Peter and I got up this morning with no children and no plans. We had to be out of the condo by 10 so we did some last minute clean up and packing and were on our way. We stopped at Panera for breakfast and then headed to Daytona just to hang out. We went to the mall, a furniture store, Sports Authority, Best Buy and Family Christian Store and then decided to head home. We talked

about hitting a movie but after being away for over a week I really wanted to see my bed again. We got home after lunch time and it was so nice to have my comfy couch back. Goose missed me terribly and talked to me about her week for about an hour straight. She wouldn't let me out of her sight and wanted all of my attention. The children didn't really care that we were home, Grandma was still there so that was all that really mattered to them. After dinner we all watched August Rush and then went to bed early. Tomorrow is church and then one more week off before school starts up again (YAY!!!!).
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