Today Peter and I packed up the kids and headed over to the Tampa area to see the babies. The parents are still in town, staying with the intended father's aunt, until Dec. 1st so we made a trip out to see them. We had been planning to go for about a week and I surprised myself with how excited I was to be able to see the girls. I had been pumping my milk so I brought them everything I had as well as a couple cute outfits for

them to wear when they get a little bigger and the weather gets a bit cooler. When we arrived the babies were sleeping peacefully so we let them be and talked with the parents a while. We all enjoyed some pizza for lunch and then Peter put a movie on for Javan. After lunch it was time for the babies to eat so we woke them up and I fed one with the help of Abbi while Bresa helped feed the other one. The girls were really taken by the babies and Bresa pretty much wanted to take one

home. After the girls were all fed and burped Peter and I held them for a long time. We just laid back and talked with the parents some more while the girls fell back asleep on us. Eventually it was time to drive home so we put the babies down and gathered our own children and loaded up the car. We said our goodbyes and then we were on our way. It was really good to see them and how they have already

grown in the last 2 weeks but I still didn't have any feelings of custody for them which was really refreshing. I know they are right where they are suppose to be. I know the pictures look like there is only one baby but there really are two, they are just wearing the same outfit.
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