This morning I left Peter alone to see if he could get some rest but he decided to try and get some work done instead. It didn't work out so well for him though because his meds make him feel bad. Anyhow, I had signed the kids up for a workshop at Lowe's so we drove to the store and got our materials after we had signed in. This week the kids were making a Science Lab. It was really simple and only had 8 nails to pound in and

was pretty much done in no time. All the kids had fun nonetheless and I was happy I could get them out of the house for at least a little while. The Science Lab came with two test tubes and bowl plus a 5 cards that had 10 simple experiments on them. When we got home and ate the kids wanted to do all the experiments but Peter and I had other plans. We were meeting up with Christina and Noah to have some fun of our own. I met Tina at the nail salon and we got some nice pedicures while Peter and Noah played video games and watched the kids. When Tina and I were done we went back to her house played a few games ourselves. We played Skipbo with the girls and then we played Quirkle with just the two of us.

The kids watched movies and played Animal Crossing and when the boys were done we played a few rounds of Tsuro with the four of us and then invited the girls to join in on the last couple games. Since daylight savings time last week we are still adjusting so we were ready to go home a little earlier than usual. No big deal though we still had a ways to drive to get home. We all had a great time and I was so happy to have a pedicure again. I had been wanting one for a few weeks and really wanted to go before I gave birth but I never had time or someone to go with and I didn't want to go alone. Thanks for the fun Christina and Noah, can't wait to do it again!!
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