Well I got all the medical attention last week so it is only fair that Peter gets some too. Last year when Peter went to the dentist for a regular check up and cleaning he was informed that he needed to get his wisdom teeth taken out. Peter had told me that he had already had his WT taken out but it turns out that the teeth previously removed were his premolars before he got his braces on. We kept putting off getting his WT pulled because of the expense and the time that it takes for recovery and everything else. Finally I made a phone call to the oral surgeon that our dentist recommended. Peter went in for a consultation and got a price quote and for the first time ever I was happy to have the insurance we have. Because two of Peter's WT were impacted, one was completely parallel to his jaw bone, only an oral surgeon could pull them out. The other could have been done by our dentist under local anesthesia but that would mean Peter would be awake for it and he would have to make two trips and recover twice to get all his WT out. When we figured the costs both ways it wasn't much more to have the oral surgeon

remove all four and Peter would get completely knocked out for it so we went with that. This morning we dropped the kids off at our friend, Liz's, house and I took Peter to the Sanford where the office was. I had to stay for the entire duration of the procedure to prove I was capable of driving him home (liability issues I presume). We went in and did the payment part and then they prepped Peter with the IV and got everything prepared. I was there when the Doctor put in the medication to put Peter under and right after he inserted the first into the IV he stopped to pray, that was awesome! It seemed to only take a minute before Peter was loopy and saying weird things and then I was sent to the waiting room. I thought it would take a while but the whole thing only took about 20 minutes and then I was called back to wait for Peter to come out of the anesthesia. When he started coming around he again said a few odd things and asked the same question over and over again. He asked what time it was about every 45 seconds and he also asked if they had already taken his teeth out about 8 times. Just as quickly as he went under he started having a bit more clarity and pretty soon we were ready to go home. I got him into the car and we picked up the kids on the way home. I left Peter and Javan home for naps and took the girls to get his prescriptions filled. I had stocked up on some soft foods for Peter but I picked up a couple more that friends had recommended. Now on to recovery. Right now Peter looks pretty puffy and swollen and his pain is pretty high. Hopefully in the days to come he will start feeling much better and be himself again. We have both agreed that we are really happy his WT have been removed. That is one less headache (or should I say toothache) that we have worry about again. Personally, I think if you are really wise you will just choose not to grow any WT so you don't have to have them removed, after all, that's what I did.
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