&t The Taylor Family: Thanksgiving: Take 2

Friday, November 25

Thanksgiving: Take 2

After a wonderful meal yesterday we were, once again, lazy this morning. Not too much went on at the house. Peter did manage to get the Christmas things down from the attic and I baked a couple loaves of Pumpkin Bread for this evening. The Christmas tree that we have was given to us by my Dad and Judy and my Dad had rigged it to be pre-lit by wrapping the branches with lights himself. It was great and looked really nice but in the last couple years we realized that more and more strands were going dead and at this point only about half of them were lit anymore. We discussed our options and decided that taking all the old lights off was our best bet (at least from a financial standpoint). Peter and I started the task and the children eagerly jumped in and were quite helpful. I think every bit helped for this chore. My Dad was very thorough in stringing the tree so it took a long time to get anywhere with it. We finished the very top and very bottom of the tree before we called it quits and decided to head to Target for a little Black Friday shopping. I didn’t really need much, most of the children’s gifts were already purchased, but I like to see the specials they have and pick up a couple cheaply priced gifts for gift exchanges for the various Christmas Parties we go to. We got to the store in the afternoon so the morning rush was over and really the store was not that crowded. We got a couple things and looked at others but in the end we really only spent money on the new LED lights we got for the tree. We stopped at the house and dropped off the goodies and picked up the things we needed for tonight and then drove over to Mom’s house. When we got there we put all the kids in the backyard so they could run around outside and play with each other without destroying the house. My two older brothers have sons who are about 7 months younger than Abbi. Mark had bought cowboy hats and guns for the boys but somehow Abbi confiscated Tyler’s set and played with Garret as a cowgirl. They had a blast together and Abbi really didn’t want to give up the hat. When Janell arrived Javan had a playmate too, Charlotte who is just a week older than he is. It’s always interesting to see them play together and this was no different. When Brian showed up with his girlfriend that was our cue to eat. Dinner was great and everything was delicious. I was smart enough to leave room for dessert this time. After everyone had finished eating I took all the kids and started a craft. I had bought a box of foam ornaments that the kids could decorate but before I let any of them start their artwork I asked each of them what was something they were thankful for. On the back of each ornament I wrote what they were thankful for with their name and age on it. When the ornaments were down the kids hung them on the Christmas tree. It was starting to get a bit late and the children were getting tired but we couldn’t leave until we had taken a few family photos of all us kids with our spouses and then all the cousins together. It was very interesting trying to get 7 kids, all under the age of 8, to look in the same direction and smile. I think we did pretty well though. Steve took the good pictures because he had his good camera there. I am excited to see how they turned out.


At 10:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tyler and Garret will be 6 in Feb. That was a great day do you have any more pictures?


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