This morning the girls were very excited to go to a birthday skating party that a friend from church was having. My girls have never been skating before so couldn’t wait to get on the rink. I tried to tell them that was difficult and that they would have to learn how to skate before they would master it but like most

things this seemed to go straight through heads without sinking in. We got to the rink and got the proper size skates and girls went at it. I told them to hold on to the wall and kind of shuffle along to get an idea of how it felt. Abbi was a super trooper and although she fell a lot at first she kept it and persevered the whole time. Bresa on the other hand had a breakdown and nearly got put in the car for the rest of the party. She wanted to get out on the rink and just be able to skate and when she couldn’t and kept falling she fell apart. If Abbi weren’t at the party too I would have just taken Bresa home at that point because she really was not acting like a child who deserved anything other than severe discipline at that point. I made Bresa take the skates off but she didn’t

want to give them back to the rental desk so we put them aside and she played a couple of the arcade games until she calmed down. Javan was also with me and he was being very good. There was a racing game and he was happy to just sit there and “drive” without actually playing the game. After a while Bresa decided she wanted to try skating again but I warned her that there would be no outburst like before or she was done for good. This time, she did very well and made it around the entire rink in record time! I was very proud of her for trying again. She did have a couple moments of “it’s too hard” but after some

encouragement she just got up and tried again. When it was time to eat the girls came in and had some pizza and drinks. There was some time to skate again before cake and presents and both girls got right back on the rink and went for it. They were still moving slowly and kind of scooting along but they had already come a long way from when they started. I was very proud of both of them for persevering and working at it even though I know it was very difficult and discouraging in the beginning. By the end Abbi was even skating a bit away from the wall and in the center of the rink. After cake and presents we had to get

going because we were meeting my brothers at a park in Sanford so we could talk while the kids played on this beautiful day. We met Steve and Mark but the park was packed so we ended up going down the road to another park that had almost no one there. The kids had a great time and once again Abbi ended up with Tyler’s hat and guns and played with Garret. Javan had a bit of a meltdown but eventually recovered and ran off to play some more. We stayed at the park for a couple hours before Steve and Heather came over to our house for dinner. Mark and Angie had to get going since they were leaving

to drive home this evening. We hung out with Steve and Heather and the kids played in the girl’s rooms and Javan got a bath and went to bed. It was nice to just relax after a long day of chasing kids.
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