With Javan being two now it was time for us to start looking for a big boy bed. Both the girls were in their big girl beds by they time they turned two but boys are different and since he wouldn't be moving out of the nursery into a new room like the girls we had to find something to replace the crib. I got lucky and found this bed that starts as a toddler bed but slides out to a twin size on Criagslist for just $30. It's like new and they still sell the bed at Ikea for $180. The people lived just about next door to my mom so she picked it up and brought it over. The bed sat in our living room for a few days until I had time to figure out how to

rearrange Javan's room and get big boy Lightning McQueen sheets and a pillow for him. When Peter and I set up the bed in his room, Javan was so excited. He kept getting in and saying, "I take nap now, I take nap?" After everything was all situated and where it was going to stay and all the toys were put away in their new homes we finished our evening with dinner and devotions and then it was time to try out the new big boy bed. Javan doesn't like that he is the first one to go to sleep and he usually fusses for a little while before he falls asleep and tonight was no different except now he could get out of bed. He tried it once and Daddy gave him one spank and put him back in bed and then Javan got up once more. This time, after another spank, he stayed in bed and didn't try to get out again. Hopefully this lesson will be one he only needs to learn once and doesn't continue each day. Our big boy, it's hard to see him in his big boy bed and part of me is sad that my baby is growing up but at the same time I am excited to see the young man he will grow into.
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