My mom has been telling that she has a bunch of plants in her garden that I could take for my house for years now. I always wanted to come and get them but never made it happen. Finally, we planned that today I would bring the kids over to her house so Peter could get some quiet time,
before they were all home all week, to get some work done. We have been in our new house for a year now and the garden is pretty lacking. Last week I cleaned out the front garden really well and put in a nice fish pond and bunch of flowers and moved all the bushes that were in there out. It took me all day and I was sore for days afterwards but it is looks so much better so I am happy. We have that really nice long white fence and I wanted to get something to fill in the space around it so it was just out in open. My mom has a beautiful garden with tons of ferns and trees and lilies so we headed over to see what we could transplant. First we had to go around her neighborhood to see all

the garage sales happening and have fun picking through all stuff. After lunch we started getting down and dirty in the yard. The two of us worked for hours and dug up a ton of ferns, peace lilies, iris’, crepe myrtles, loriope, aloe, hibiscus, and pineapple plants. The weather was beautiful and it was the perfect day to be outside doing all this work. We stopped long enough to eat ribs that Jim made on the grill then loaded my van as full as it would go. Most everything fit except a couple hibiscus trees. Bresa was spending the next couple of days there so Mom said she would bring the plants home with her. I am so very thankful for all the free plants. I can’t wait for them to start growing and get big and full in my yard. Of course, first I have to plant them. I guess that’s what I’ll be doing tomorrow.