&t The Taylor Family: July 2009

Wednesday, July 29

Buds of Joy

A couple weeks ago the girls flowers started budding and then had nice big blooms on them. Now all around our tree in the front yard we have big red and yellow flowers with more to come. The girls did a great job planting these flowers and their hard work has really paid off.

Saturday, July 25


Peter and I went over to our friends house to take some family photos for them and a few shots of their new baby girl. We brought out our strobes to get the right lighting and since we had them set up we decided to take a few shots of our kids too. We got a couple good ones while the kids were still in a good mood. After the photo shoot we had dinner and played some Wii games.

Sunday, July 19

Charlotte's Christening

Today Baby Charlotte (my niece) was baptized. Peter and I met with the rest of the family at Janell and Wyatt's church for the ceremony. I have the honor of being Charlotte's Godmother so I got to stand up with Janell and Wyatt and Charlotte's Godfather. After the ceremony there was a reception at a local restaurant. Peter and I had fun talking to everyone. We are so proud to have Charlotte as our niece! She is just so happy and such a good girl! We love you baby Charlotte and we pray that God will always be your light and that you will live your life to glorify Him.

Friday, July 17

Last Update on Donna

Hi everyone. Just wanted to let you all know that our Donna is now at peace. She passed away last night at 11:15 and went quietly and peacefully. The family was here and arrangements will be made this morning. I will be in touch , just wanted to get this to you all asap. Thanks for all of your love and support.. Believe me it helped more than you know.

Thursday, July 16

Happy 6th Birthday Bresa!!

Bresa, is such a big girl today, she is now 6 years old! I can't believe I have a 6 year old, how did this happen? I had to work but we are going to go and have some fun in a just a little bit. She wants to go to The Olive Garden for dinner but hasn't said much about anything else. Tomorrow she is going to go over to Grandma's house for a sleep over to celebrate. We aren't doing too much because we just went camping for her birthday and I am still tired out from that.

Wednesday, July 15

Happy 6 month bday Javan!!

Tuesday, July 14

Update on Donna

It is with a heavy heart that I pass on the news that Donna has taken a turn for the worse and at 4PM this afternoon HOSPICE will be seeing to her medical needs and comfort. She has been pretty much out of it since early yesterday: did open her eyes and recognize her brother who arrived last night from NC. She has been battling for a long time and my prayer for her now is that she go in peace and that it not be too long in coming that she is with the Father.... He has guided us along the journey this far and He is still in our corner. Please continue prayer for Donna and the rest of the family as we join together at this time. As difficult as the situation is , we have the LORD and each other. Let us pray IHN

Love to all.

Sunday, July 12


We left Thursday after I got off work to go camping at Jetty Park at the beach. We packed everything up and loaded up the van and then we were off. It took about an hour and half to get there and when we did the clouds were dark and the thunder was real loud. Peter and I hurried to set up our tent and when the rains still held off we set up the screen room around the picnic table and then Peter cooked some hot dogs on the grill. I had gotten up at 530 that morning and hadn't slept well the rest of the week so I was exhausted. We all got in the tent early and went to bed. The next morning I made scrambled eggs and when the drizzling stopped we went to the beach for a few hours. The girls made sand castles and we all played in the ocean. After lunch and a lot of sun we headed back to our site to get showers and beat the rain coming in. We took a trip to the mall and got some ice cream then watched Disney Pixar's Up in 3D right as the downpour started. The wind and lightning was so bad that the power in the movie theater went out but came back up after a few minutes. When we left the movies it was just sprinkling out so we went back to our campsite. I made sausage and peppers for dinner and the girls played in the tent for a while. We ate dinner and after it got dark we grabbed our flashlights and a bucket and went down to the beach again. There were only a couple other people on the beach and it was very dark. We used our flashlights to find some crabs and then collected in the bucket. We drew some lines in the sand and then raced the crabs. Yesterday we decided to come home a day early because we had a lot to do when we got home and it was really hot. We had chocolate chip pancakes and then walked down to the pier and saw 3 sea turtles, 2 manatees, 2 schools of stingrays, and a school of fish that had the fisherman going crazy. The girls didn't want to leave the pier but Daddy was getting too much sun. When we heard that the shuttle was going to go off we decided to pack up and head home. We had a really good time but it was so nice to get home to our own bed with nice air conditioning too!

Wednesday, July 8

Praise God!!

Baby Emily is now in the comforts of her own home!! She was released earlier today after 24 hours of being fever-free. All her cultures came back negative so the doctors believe she had just contracted a virus. We are so happy to know that she is getting over her very scary illness. We love you Kelli and Woody and of course Emily too!!

Sunday, July 5

Baby Emily needs you

Please pray for our friends, Kelli and Woody and their 4 week old daughter, Emily. Emily was rushed to the hospital where she was admitted with a 102.6 temp and the drs don't know what's wrong. Please please pray for them all especially Emily (daughter) and Kelli who is having a very hard time dealing with this. We need as many prayers as possible.

Saturday, July 4

Happy 4th of July!!

Hope everyone has a great Independence Day today. We will be heading over to Janell and Wyatt's house for some fun before dinner and fireworks.

Wednesday, July 1

Abbi the biggest sister