&t The Taylor Family: May 2006

Tuesday, May 30

It's a Travel Bug Party!!

Today while Peter was at work the girls and I went out and did some caching in the area. So far we have found 299 caches so the next one will make 300! We could have gone on to find more today but we wanted to wait for Steve and Heather because they are just a couple away from 400 and we wanted to make our milestone finds together. I am planning on putting out a TB hotel off an exit of I-4 so I have been collecting these travel bugs. The hotel will allow fellow cachers to stop and drop off a bug and pick one up to take along with them on their journey. A Travel Bug, or TB, will be found by another geocacher who will log-in the serial number and then place it in another cache. TBs go from cache to cache, found and replaced, over and over again. They often travel thousands of miles and go to countries around the world. These hotels help TB's accomplish their goals and get moving in the right direction. I am excited about placing the hotel, I already have the perfect location I just need to place it and get the coordinates so that I can make a log page online for other cachers to see. As you can see each TB has a dog tag attached to it, that holds the TBs serial number so they can be logged and tracked.

Monday, May 29

A Day for Abbi

Grandma took Brye to her house for the day,
And that left just me and Mommy to play.
We roamed the house in search of fun,
I helped her laugh, she helped me run.
We stopped at noon for a bit to eat,
I ate it all and got a treat.
I'm getting tired it's time for a nap,
I grab my Snuggly and sleep on Mom's lap.
I'm in my crib when I wake up,
I call for Mom and she picks me up.
We play in my room with my things,
And I dance for her when she sings.
It's getting late and Dad's off work,
If he sees this mess he'll go beserk.
Quick, Mom and I are off to clean,
Put the toys where they can't be seen!
Daddy comes home and asks what we did today,
Mom just shrugs and has nothing to say.
She looks at me and gives me a kiss,
I know what she's thinking... this is bliss.

Sunday, May 28


Along with Steve and Heather we received two more house guests. Since Steve and Heather were new to Maryland they didn't have anyone to watch their cats for them so they had to bring them with them down to FL. They pretty much took over the house and our cat Lucy hides under the bed in our room all day. Sofia hisses at her if she comes out at all. Brye really likes Sofia and says she is going to keep her. Luigi mostly sleeps and eats. They are nice kitties but I know Lucy will be very happy when they leave.

Party at our house

Steve and Heather are staying at our house for a few days while they vacation in FL. Heather checks out our blog page while Steve and Peter watch really weird cartoon shows they rented from Blockbuster. Right now it is quiet as all the children are sleeping. We had a good dinner and then just hung out. Tomorrow we are going back over to my Mom's for a Memorial weekend BBQ.

Saturday, May 27

Shoot 'em down

Brian took a break from the bathroom to get some practice in with his air rifle. He set up a target and after adjusting the scope a bit he let me shoot a couple rounds. I didn't do terrible but I did a lot better last time when we were shooting soda cans. Brian is really good at instructing me and telling how to hold the gun and breath and all. It is always really fun!

Heather and I out caching

On the way to go to the store we stopped by a local cache to up our numbers. Steve made the find and took our picture. To learn more about Geocaching you can check out geocaching.com

Brye and Abbi Meet their new cousin

Steve and Heather came down from DC and Mark and Angie came over to meet up with them. We all hung out at my Mom's house and she really enjoyed playing with all her grandbabies. This was the first time Brye and Abbi had met baby Tyler and Brye said that Tyler is her baby now and I have Abbi for my baby. The boys all worked on my Mom's bathroom, completely remodeling it. For Christmas we all chipped in and got her everything she needed for a completely new bathroom so now they were putting it all together for her. The boys worked all day Wednesday and kept working until Friday. Mark layed out nice new tile and although there is a lot left to do it looks so much better already.

Tuesday, May 23

Moose Galore!

A couple years ago my Dad and Judy took a cruise to Alaska and while there they picked up a stuffed Moose for Brye. Now Brye and Moose are inserparable. Moose goes everywhere Brye goes, whether it's sleeping over at Grandma's, going to the store or just going to the bathroom. Since then the Moose collection has grown and now includes moose of all sizes, including 'Baby Moose', 'Missy Moose', 'Moose with Hat', and 'Canada Moose' (all named by Brye herself). But the Moose she loves the most is the original "Moose." Note the Moose on her shirt too. I want to get a sign for her room that says "Moose X-ing" I saw one at my Aunts house up in NY. If you are ever sad or hurt Brye goes and gets Moose and says you can hold him to make you feel better. When Abbi starts to cry Moose is always the first thing offered to get a smile. Many times I have commented on how lucky that Moose is to have such love from a wonderful girl.

Monday, May 22

Sea World

Yesterday, Peter and I took Abbi to Sea World. They were running a special for FL residents where if you buy one ticket you get in the rest of the year for free. We really want to take Brye for her birthday in July so we figured we would go get the passes while the special is still running. We left Brye at Grandma’s so when we go again in July it will be a big surprise for her. The park was really crowded so we didn’t stay very long but we had a good time while we were there. Abbi enjoyed seeing all the fishies and she talked to the penguins a lot.

Saturday, May 20

Congratulations Judy and Dad!!

Last week on Thursday the 11th, my Dad and Judy got married in Las Vegas. It was the 10th year anniversary of their first date. We weren't able to join them but they told us all about it and after seeing the pictures it is certian they had a great time. We wish you both all the best and we love you very much!!!

Friday, May 19

Peter's new creation...

Peter finally finished building his 10th guitar! He has built 8 electric and 2 acoustic guitars. Although many of the guitars he built to keep for himself he has sold all of them so far. He has no plans to sell this one and unless he gets an irresistable offer he is going to hold onto it. He built this guitar, as well as all his others, from scratch with just a few blocks of wood. He hand carved all the notches in the body and then torched the outside to give it a sunburst effect. He scalloped the fret board to give it a better feel and then signed the headstock with his company name "Chellee." Since it's completion he has really enjoyed playing it and because it is really light weight it is easy for him to play for long periods of time. You can check out his site to see pictures of the other guitars he built; Chellee.com.

Tuesday, May 16

She's so smart...

Abbi loves to play with all her toys (and Brye's too for that matter). She got this Noah's Ark for Easter and she likes to take all the animals off and put them inside and then take them out and put them back on the top. She really amazes me at how smart she is and how much she can figure out just by watching you do it once or twice. Just next month she will be a year old, I just can't believe how fast time has gone by.

Monday, May 15

Happy Mothers Day!!

We hope everyone had a great Mother's Day. Peter had the day off so we enjoyed each other's company. We did a little caching and then met up with my mom who came over for dinner. Peter grilled some steaks my mom seasoned and Mom cut up some cantalope and made some bread and corn as well. Brye helped shuck the corn, she is such a good helper. Dinner was great and we were all very tired by the days end.

Saturday, May 13

Fun in the park...

My sister Janell left us tickets to go to Universal so my mom and I took the girls. We had a great time all day. Brye got to meet some of her favorite story book characters and Abbi enjoyed the nice ride in the stroller and all the pretty colors everywhere. Thanks Janell for all the fun!!

The newest member of our family...

This is Tyler, he is my brother Steve's new baby boy. Peter and I are his God Parents and we are so happy he is in our family! We haven't had the privilege of meeting him yet but we will soon when his parents bring him down in a couple weeks. We can't wait!

You asked for it...

After all the excitement over Steve's blog page and numerous people telling me that I need to set one up (including Steve) I finally caved. I am new to all this blog stuff so you will have to forgive me if the page isn't up to par. Hope you enjoy!