&t The Taylor Family: April 2014

Tuesday, April 15

Emptying Eggs

I read an article online about a fun Easter craft for the kids to do. Basically you take raw eggs and cut the tops off of them and hollow them out. Then after cleaning and drying the shells you fill them with paint and let the kids throw
them at paper or canvas’ to make a cool abstract picture. I decided to give it a go but didn’t tell the kids what I was doing even though they asked a hundred times what the shells were for. I managed to get 9 egg shells all hollowed out
and set them up to dry well for Sunday. I am excited to see what the paintings will look like and the kids were all excited to get scrambled eggs with hotdogs, cheese and fruit for dinner.

Saturday, April 12

Marbled Eggs

A friend of mine posted a cool egg coloring technique on my page so I had give it a try. I bought shaving cream and food dye and after boiling a dozen eggs we got to work. Basically you fill a shallow pan with shaving cream then drop some food coloring into it.
You swirl (not mix) the colors around and together then roll the egg through the cream. It was a very messy craft and a little difficult to figure out exactly how to do it but we tried our best.
Once you have rolled the egg you leave them as is with all the cream all over it until it dries then you wipe them off and you have "marbled eggs". I was a little skeptical of how well they would turn out but in the end they look pretty good. The girls got a little crazy with mixing instead of swirling so some of their eggs are just one color instead of designed. They are happy with them though so that is all that really matters. I
think next time we will use less cream and try to swirl a little better to get the eggs colored completely to eliminate the white areas.

Monday, April 7

Best Daddy Ever

In the past Peter has read the children books he enjoyed when he was a child. He read the girls (Javan was too young) the complete series of Narnia and after each book that had a movie we would all watch the movie about it and have discussions about what was different and what was better for the story.
He just finished reading the children (Javan can sit long enough to listen to most of it) The Hobbit and has now started the Lord of the Rings. He is excited to be able to follow those up with movies as well. The girls LOVE to be read to and ask him every night if he can read more. Whenever they read he makes them tell him what happened last time before they start again and when he is through he makes them explain is happening now and asks them all sorts of questions about the plot and different character personalities. He is such a great Daddy, our children have no idea how blessed they are to have him.

Wednesday, April 2

I’m trying to make the best of my time while I am up here in Jacksonville. My hotel is really dirty and gross so I don’t like to be there more than I have to. I have a childhood friend that I have known since at least 4th grade that lives in
St. Augustine so last week I told her I would more or less in the area if she wanted to meet up. Her mom was coming up also so we all decided we would meet for dinner tonight. We met at the Avenues Mall and then drove together to Olive Garden and had a great time. It was so good to get all caught and talk like no time had passed at all. I really enjoyed my time with Cindy and was so happy she made time to meet with me. Cindy was a really close friend of mine back in high school and she knew me before I met Peter and was there when we started dating. It’s cool that she has been able to see my family grow to what it is now. I didn’t want to leave dinner but they had to get back to get taxes done and it was already after 9 when we eventually said good night.

Tuesday, April 1

Visiting Mémère

My work has decided to send me to a 40 hour Crime Scene Workshop here in Jacksonville. I am trying to positive about it but I really didn’t want to come. There was nothing that excited me about going so I am really having a hard time. I left Sunday night and found my absolutely disgusting hotel and then went to class yesterday. I don’t really know the area but I found a strip of shops afterward and walked around window shopping. I will be here until Friday and I already miss
Peter so much I am not sure I can make it. After class today I drove about 20 minutes to see my Grandmother, Mémère. She lives in a Veteran’s home not far from where I was so I knew I had to go see her. I don’t think I had been up there for a couple of years. I sent her pictures in the mail but when I got there she said she didn’t get them. I will have to send her more. She was happy to see me though I am not really sure she knew who I was. She is 92 now but still doing pretty well. I think she was just happy to have company and to show me all around. I stayed for an hour or so but then it was time for Bingo and I could tell she really wanted to play so I told her that I would get going. We said good bye and then I went to find some dinner before going back to my hotel room.