&t The Taylor Family: October 2010

Sunday, October 31

Happy Halloween

This year we stayed close to home again but did the real door to door trick or treating. We went over to our friend's, Kelli and Woody's, house so we could all go together. They have a nice neighborhood with sidewalks and lit streets and they said that lots of people participated in Halloween last year. After a quick dinner we started our journey and went house to house. We brought the wagon with us for those tired or little feet. We started while it was still light out and the kids quickly covered the bottom of their bags with candy. Kelli and Woody were hilarious dressed up themselves as Jessie from Toy Story and Cpt. America. Their son, Joshua, was Buzz Lightyear, and Emily (Javan's future wife) was Snow White. The girls did really well up to the end, they were pretty much done when we got back to the house. Javan was a bit cranky and really had no clue what was going on, he did like picking out the candy from the neighbor's dishes and putting it in his bag though. After we were done trick or treating we all headed over to Bill and Brenda's house to show off the kid's (and adult's) costumes. Much to our surprise Bill and Brenda were both dressed up themselves! They are so fun! Bill and Brenda had gone to a costume party the night before and Brenda had made her own 50's waitress costume and it was adorable! Bill was a chef with a real chef's jacket and Brenda had made him a chef's hat. Eventually we headed home to get the kids and myself to bed... school and work to come in the morning.

Saturday, October 30

Zoo Boo Bash

This morning I told the girls to get their costumes on to which they did with no complaints. I figured Daddy could use some quiet work time and since we have our annual zoo passes I would take the kids to trick or treat at the zoo. I had told Bresa and Abbi they could be whatever they wanted this year but I wasn't going to be buying any costumes. Bresa decided she was the tooth fairy, Abbi decided she was going to be a fairy too, and Javan gets to be the baby chick that Abbi was a few years ago. We all got ready and Javan got dressed in his costume and then we met up with my friend, Liz, and her two girls. Liz has a newborn but her older daughter is just 2 weeks older than Javan. The kids had a good time going to the trick or treat stations but they also enjoyed seeing all the animals. There was a bounce house that my girls went in and it seemed like they were in there forever but they were having a good time so I didn't stop them. The weather was absolutely beautiful out and I enjoyed just sitting or walking around slowly with the kids, I did take Javan's head piece off since he tends to sweat very easily and he enjoyed holding the head to the costume and giving it kisses. Our last stop was the petting zoo and when we were about ready to go Grandma showed up with cousin Charlotte dressed as Minnie Mouse. Charlotte was adorable and all my children were very excited to see Grandma. We didn't stay much longer since we had already seen everything. Bresa ended up staying with Grandma to have a sleep-over and the rest of us went out to lunch. Tonight I was going to take Abbi to the park where they are having a Halloween Festival but she said she would rather stay home with Chris Peters who was coming over. I guess I can rest my feet until tomorrow night.

Friday, October 29

Carving Pumpkins

Today after I picked the girls up from school I asked them if they wanted to carve the pumpkins we got. Of course, they responded with an enthusiastic "yes" and so we gathered what we needed to get the job done. I cut off the tops for both of the girls and they started pulling the insides out. We separated the seeds from the pulp so we could attempt to bake them. Javan helped a little with his pumpkin but was quickly more interested in the play house. Bresa and Abbi both drew out what type of face they wanted and then I worked on carving it out for them. When the pumpkins were all finished and we were cleaned up the pumpkins went out on the front porch. Inside, Bresa and I worked on the pumpkin seeds. I had gotten a recipe with high reviews offline that we thought we would try. I have never made pumpkin seeds before but I had always wanted to try. I remember my friends having seeds to eat and though they would share I always felt like I was missing out. Well, apparently you are supposed to dry the seeds real well before you cook them, this I did not know. The seeds came out with flavor but they weren't crunchy like I wanted so I wasn't happy with them. We will just have to try again next year.

Saturday, October 23


Every year an organization called, "Canstruction" puts on an event where people come together and make structures out of cans and nonperishable foods. It's a competition with recognition going to the best structure produced. After the event all the food and cans that were used in building go to the local area Food Bank to help the homeless or less fortunate. Our friend Noah always participates in the Orlando events and he told us about the recent one they worked on at Fashion Square Mall. This year the theme was animals at the zoo. Noah's team put together a couple of giraffes and others did things like a snail, alligator, turtle. After we left the theatre last night we decided to head to the mall to check it out. It's really cool how the structures turn out and the great ideas that people have. Abbi liked the giraffe of course, since that is her favorite. Personally, of all the structures that were up I think the giraffes were by far the best. To learn more you can visit this link.

"The House at Pooh Corner" at The Orlando REP Theatre

For our Anniversary, Peter's dad gave us a gift certificate for the Repertory Theatre in Orlando. They have a bunch of different plays for adults and young audiences. The certificate we got was for three shows for four people (Javan is free). It took me a while but I finally figured out which plays we should see and called to arrange all the tickets. The first one was The House at Pooh Corner. I picked this one just for Javan because he LOVES Winnie the Pooh. I wasn't sure how he would do sitting for the whole play but I knew there were going to be other little kids so if he got fussy he wouldn't be the only one. The REP theatre is located just across from the Science Center and when we got there we found they were having their annual Veg Fest. We had shown up to the theatre early to go to the box office and make sure everything was straight so we had a good hour before the show was to start. I called my friend, Angella who works at the Science Center and sure enough she was there. She came out and met us and we just walked around and talked. Eventually we ended up in the shade of a bunch of oak trees and the kids played in the beautiful weather until it was time to go get our seats. We said good bye to Angella and went in. Before the show started we washed up and the kids found the Activity Station where they could color and cut out the Pooh Characters to make stick puppets of. They kept busy until just before the show was to start. When we went in to find our seats we found out that I had called early enough to get front row seating. The girls were very happy about this and soon the show began. It wasn't at all what I expected but it was very good. The actors ranged from little girls, maybe 7-8, to adults. Javan did amazing and was completely taken by the whole show. He sat very quietly on Daddy's lap the whole time and watched each moment. After the show the characters came out and allowed people to get autographs. Bresa really wanted them to sign her program so she went to each character and asked them to sign for her. Abbi didn't want to do that so she stayed back with Daddy and just watched. When you buy your tickets you can pay a little extra and have a dinner catered by Sonny's BBQ after the show. I decided to do this for two of the three shows but I couldn't remember which ones. When we got our tickets earlier they informed us that we had the dinner tickets too. I was really surprised because I had totally forgotten that I had done that. So we sat and ate dinner and the girls got some treats and toys too. We had a really good time and I was happy that Javan was so well behaved and enjoyed himself.

Produce Picking

It use to be that we had a good one or two pumpkin patches here in Orange City but the last couple of years I haven't seen any. There are a couple churches in Deland and Deltona that sell pumpkins but nothing too close. We skipped the pumpkin carving last year so I wanted to make sure the kids got to do it this year. Yesterday I did my grocery shopping and the pumpkins at the store were $6 a piece. I considered getting one for us to share but then decided I would try the Farmer's Market today at a local park. I figured if they didn't have anything I could always come back to Publix and pick one up. This morning, Abbi and Javan and I got up and ready (Bresa had a book report to finish) and we headed down to the market. We got there shortly after it started and there was a lot more produce there than is usually available by the time I arrive. The produce guy I like was there and he had pumpkins. Abbi helped me pick a couple out and then we did some more produce shopping and paid for our goods. We did really well and I wonder why I don't come more often, the prices are so much cheaper than the grocery store. For everything in this picture I paid just $11.75, that's a quarter less than just two pumpkins I could have gotten at the store that were roughly the same size.

Friday, October 22

I feel loved

I have been pretty down this last week. Everything is good with Peter and I and the kids and all but other things have thrown us for a loop and I got hit pretty hard. I have been trying to cope and move on and as long as I have distractions I am alright but as soon as I have a moment to think I just break down. Well, among many of my friends, Kelli and Brenda and their husbands have been with me throughout the process and today they decided to shower me in love. When the doorbell rang I figured it was a client for Peter but he was out in the garage playing guitar so I got up to answer the door. There I found a guy holding beautiful flowers just for me. I was really confused when I signed for them and when I read the card and found out who they were from I just started crying (again). The flowers are perfect, they are my favorite kind and accented with my favorite colors, my friends know me so well. Soon after I got another surprise when Bill delivered my favorite cake; chocolate on chocolate "Brenda cake." Brenda makes the best cakes and really the only kind I will eat because I am not a cake person but I can't resist hers and can't get enough. It is always a very special treat when there is Brenda cake because I know how long and how hard she works to make them just perfect and so delicious. I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends in my life. I can't thank God enough for the people He has put in my life. Thank you guys so much for making me smile today, I know God will get me through but it is really helpful to know that I have such good friends who will help me along too.

Saturday, October 16

Tina's Day

Christina's birthday was last month but I have been so busy with life I didn't get to take her out until now. Tina and Noah had a game party on Tina's birthday so I had to find another weekend to go out and celebrate. Last night we spent the night at Tina and Noah's so this morning after yummy chocolate chip pancakes and scrambled eggs Tina and I left Peter and Noah with the girls. We went over to Waterford lakes and walked around some of the shops. For lunch we stopped at Panera Bread (where else?) and both enjoyed salads and Frozen Mochas. After we were all filled up we went across the street where we had an appointment for pedicures. My first pedicure was up in Ohio with Tina when she took me for my birthday. I really enjoyed it and was looking forward to having it done again. This pedicure was actually a lot better than the last one, more thorough and involved. We had only planned on getting pedicures but the price for both a Pedicure and Manicure was only a couple dollars more so we upped our package and got our fingers done too. After we were all prettied up we went and did some more shopping before heading back to the house to save the guys. Before we had left the house in the morning Bresa asked where we were going and then asked if she could come with us when I told her about getting our nails done. I told her no, it was just for us big girls today, but if her and Abbi behaved themselves Tina and I would do their nails when we got back. When we returned the girls didn't waste any time in telling us they had been good the whole time we were gone and asked if we could paint their nails now. Tina got out her colors and accessories and the Tina and Chellee Spa was opened for business. I clipped and shaped while Tina lotioned the girls hands and arms and then painted the base coat on their nails. The girls each picked out the colors they wanted and told us how they wanted their pattern done. We started with the fingers and finished with the toes. Pretty soon there were 40 freshly colored nails in the house. It was hard deciding it was time to pack up and go home but I still had lots of my normal weekend stuff to do and I hadn't even been home long enough to think about it.

Friday, October 15

Enjoying my girls

I had to be in Winter Park early this morning so I took the kids with me to allow Peter to get some work done. After I was done with my appointment I picked up the girls (who stayed with my mom) and left Javan to have fun at Grandma's house. The three of us went to get Christina and then headed to the mall to see if there were any good sales. We didn't stay too long and then headed back to Tina's house for some games. We played Skip bo, Corn Hole (or Baggo), Sorry, Legos, and Kerplunk. The girls had a blast playing games with us but the best was yet to come. Eventually Peter meet us at Tina and Noah's house and then we were off to a show. Working at the Police Department has some perks and one of them is that every year Arabian
Nights gives me a really big discount on ticket prices. With the discount they give I can get our entire family in for less than the price of one regular admission. When I saw the tickets this year I figured the girls were old enough to enjoy it and Peter and I decided we would take them. I could also get a couple friends in on the discount so I asked along Tina and Noah. When we were kids Tina's parents took us and my sister Janell to the show but it was so long ago I didn't really remember any of it. Arabian Nights is a dinner show about an Arabian princess and two genies. Pretty much the entire show is done on horses with lots of tricks, gymnastics, and some dancing. You get a choice of your dinner which is a three course meal and you eat while watching the show. The girls really enjoyed it and Bresa kept asking me how the riders did the things they were doing. She was very impressed with it all (even the lights). The show was pretty good but the girls made it more enjoyable with the excitement they had. I don't think I would ever pay the full price to get in but with the price I got it was worth it. On the way home the girls fell asleep almost immediately.

Thursday, October 14


This explains why I had a "Lens Error" the last time I went to use my camera.

Sunday, October 10

It's in the DNA

My dad loves Dr. Pepper as does his brother and at least one of his sisters, I love Dr. Pepper and so does my little brother, it must run in the family...

*This can hasn't been opened, Javan is just pretending. None of our children have actually ever had any sort of soda.

Saturday, October 9

Church Picnic

Today was our church's first annual picnic at Gemini Springs. All the life groups were asked to help out so we signed up for the set up team. We got up early and picked up some tables from the church and drove them over to the park and set them up and then our job was done. As people started to arrive the girls ran off and played in the kids area where there was a jump house, crafts, face painting, and more to keep them busy. Peter and I just kind of walked around and talked with people and spent some time on our blanket in the shade with some friends. When lunch was ready we prayed and then got in line. There were supposed to be close to 600 people coming to the picnic and the church must have made 1800 hot dogs because there were a ton left over. Pretty much everyone brought a side to share so there was a wide variety of food and more than enough to fill your plate and belly. I tried to get Javan to eat his hot dog but he just wanted to eat all the fruit (worse things could've happened). The girls cleaned their plates up really well and then ran back for more kid fun. Peter and I hung out a while later before rounding up the troops. When we got home it was time for showers all around and I know the kids will all sleep well tonight!

Wednesday, October 6


When I first started at Sanford Police Department I was invited to a Property and Evidence Association of Florida (PEAF) meeting by a lady who worked at another agency. It sounded interesting so I started going to the quarterly meetings and came to know a lot of the local Evidence Techs and made a lot of helpful contacts. At the meetings we discuss issues and problems we all have to deal with and then have open discussions for any questions we may be working through or have come across recently. Since I am moving to a new building in the next couple of weeks I have gathered a lot of information about what people like about their vaults and what they didn't like as well as different vendors they used and what equipment they couldn't live without. Each year we have a state wide two day conference for all of the PEAF members. It's a great way to get know other agencies and hear new ideas and perspectives. The meetings are always hosted by a different agency (whoever volunteers) and after our discussions we take a tour of the agencies evidence storage and buildings (always the best part).
PEAF is broken up into Chapters statewide and I am a part of Chapter 2 of 9 which includes Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole, and Volusia counties. We don't have as many counties as some but the counties we do have are really dense in population and therefore have more Police departments within, I believe we currently have 52 agencies on our roster. Every two years chapter elections are held for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. This summer was our election year and I had a feeling they would want me to run for one of the offices. In order to run you have to be nominated and then the motion has to be seconded, once all the nominees are confirmed the election is held with a vote from each member. I didn't volunteer for any position I figured I would just wait to see what happened at the next meeting. When we started the elections off I stayed quiet but was quickly notified of a nomination for me to take the VP position. I wasn't opposed and was actually honored and relieved it wasn't for the Secretary position. When it came to my position I was unanimously elected for Vice President of our Chapter. I didn't think about it until later but not only does it make Sanford PD look good but it also looks really good on my resume should I decide to pursue other agencies. Today we had our first meeting since the elections and we had a really great turn out, the best in probably 2 years. The secretary and I had split up our chapter and called each and every agency to get accurate contact information and make sure they were informed of who we were and what we were about. If our meetings continue to have such a large amount of people come we may look into holding the meetings more frequently as long as people are willing to host.

Tuesday, October 5

Get well soon Papa

The girls are sad that Papa is still in the hospital and they want him to feel better. They have been working very hard on Papa's get well cards. I know they will bring a smile to his face and his heart.

Sunday, October 3


I am sure that I have mentioned before that Peter and I love our church. We just feel right at home there and even though we may be busy with our church duties more often in the week than not, we wouldn't trade it for anything. We love striving hard after Christ and it is our passion that our children will come to know Him at an early age and continue their walk with Him into adulthood. About 2-3 times a year our church holds a Friday night service called Consume where we come together for intense prayer and passionate worship. There isn't much sermon but the prayer is continuous during the night. The last few times we had Consume the church had put up white paper all over the walls of the sanctuary with sharpies so you could write your prayer request right on the wall. You don't have to put names or specifics just anything or anyone you wanted or needed prayer for. Throughout Consume you could just get up and write or you could go read the request and pray for someone in need. The worship usually starts off quiet and calm but by the end of the night we are rocking the house and can probably be heard down the street. This last Consume was all about praying for the lost; those who haven't yet come to know Christ and those who have gone astray. Consume is always very emotional for me and this last Friday was no different, thankfully there were tissues in the pews. I had lots of people to pray for and I have a lot of friends whose grown children or parents need to be saved. One of the people I prayed for was my stepfather. He believes in God but there is a difference in believing in God and being saved, I was praying for his salvation. God has worked wonders in our church and in my own life and this morning my step-dad accepted Christ as his savior! Sometimes it takes a miracle, sometimes a tragedy, and sometimes just a scare to have your eyes opened. Jim (my step-dad) suffered a ministroke this morning and before the ambulance arrived he prayed aloud for Christ to come into his heart. Jim is doing well, he is stable now but will have to have angioplasty heart surgery again (he had this done a couple years ago) on Wednesday. Prayers for him are appreciated of course, I will keep you updated.