&t The Taylor Family: May 2010

Monday, May 31

Time for a cut

So these pictures really aren't very good, but you can see the difference a little bit. I should have taken a before shot from the back. Peter and I couldn't decide on what kind of hair cut to give Javan for his first time. I had trimmed his bangs a few months ago just so he could see but he really needed something done. Everyone told us not to cut his length because they loved his hair long but I just didn't know. I figured if we cut it really short than he would look a lot older and I am really not ready for that yet so long it is. My mom did the cut while I held him down. He really hated the whole experience. Mom trimmed the back and cut around the sides and the front. Now you can see Javan's beautiful eyes again!! I knew he was in there somewhere! The top photo is before and the bottom is after.

Saturday, May 29

Girls Day out

My bestest friend and her husband came to Orlando to look for a house to buy for when they move down here in a couple months. Once they got all their work sorted out Tina called me so we could hang out. I packed up the children and drove into town to pick up Tina. After I got Tina we drove over to my mom's and dropped off the kids and the two off us went off to play. We drove over to Waterford Lakes to have some lunch and window shop. The weather wasn't very nice and we got a little wet but we enjoyed just hanging out and, of course, shoe shopping. It is so nice to have my best friend home again. I cannot wait until her and her husband move down here so she can get her PhD. Three whole years with my best friend less than an hour away! We have already talked about all the things we want to do when they are down here for good. They are coming in mid July and even though they have been out of state for years I am thinking these last couple of months will seem longer than all that time before.

Wednesday, May 26

AWANA Awards

As the school year comes to an end so does the girl's AWANA clubs. Every Wednesday the girls go to church for fun, games, stories and lessons. They learn all about the Bible and what the Word says and everyweek they are responsible for reciting at least one verse from memory to their AWANA leaders. As they say more and more verses they get little awards to show off. They both wear vests to their classes and the awards get put on them to be displayed. Abbi gets little patches that I have to sew on and Bresa gets little jewels that fit into her larger pins that she wears on the vest. This was both of the girls second year and Abbi's last year of Cubbies. Next year she will move up to Bresa's class, Sparks, for three more years before moving to T&T. As the classes progress there are more and more verses to learn and more in depth stories. There is also more responsibility and maturity expected from the students. The girls love AWANA and look forward to going each week. Since the year was wrapping up they end with a big ceremony where the kids in each class sing a song or two and then are awarded their certificates and ribbons for all of their accomplishments. This year Bresa had to stand up on the stage and recite 1 Thessal-
onians 5:17-18 into the mic all by herself and she did awesome!! I didn't know she was going to do that and I got tears in my eyes when she was speaking. Daddy and I cheered very loudly for her, we are so proud of our big girl! I asked her if she was nervous but she said she, "was not, not even a little." We figured as much. Both of the girls did a great job and we are so very proud of both of them! It is such a blessing to see their desire to learn and grow with God, we are very excited to see the ladies they will become someday, but for now they can stay our little girls.

Monday, May 24

Blooming Flowers

Just this week the bulbs that the girls planted last year started to bloom. They had sprouted a while ago and the stems grew pretty long. We checked them everyday when we left the house to see if any flowers were coming but we didn't even see any buds. One day we walked out and were greeted with a whole stem of bright red blooms. There are several more to come but the first buds are always the most exciting. I think we have yellow ones too, I will be excited to see those again.

Sunday, May 23

Let the Pool Days Begin

Last night we had a Life Group social over at Kelli and Woody's house where all the life group got together and had dinner and watched The Blind Side. It was a really good movie and we had a good time. While we were there Kelli and Woody invited us over to swim after church today. Since it was pretty hot out these last few days, a nice cool pool sounded great. After church we headed home and got all ready and then went over to their house. The girls had a great time swimming and Javan loved splashing and splashing all over. Kelli had gotten lots of pool toys and floats from her work so the kids had a good time trying them all out. Javan decided he was done with the pool and wanted to play on the deck so I got out to keep an eye on him. Peter and Woody some how started up a game of "Whale volleyball" that lasted for quite a while. One by one all the kids came out and dried off and then the adults followed and we went inside to have some lunch. I love pool days because I know the kids will sleep well tonight. ;)

Saturday, May 22

School Project

Some how when Bresa has a school project I end up doing a lot of work for it. Bresa had a project that she had to have done by Tuesday and it was all about the ocean and it's physical features. She had to make a 3D model with labels for all the important characteristics. I don't know about you but I don't think I was doing things like this when I was in 1st grade. Anyhow, we had attempted to make something out of play-doh but that didn't go over well so I decided it was time to take a trip to Michael's Craft Store. We went up and down all the isles at least twice before making our purchases. Bresa had some good ideas on what to use and what she wanted. After lunch and when Abbi and Javan went to bed Bresa and I worked on her project until the kids woke up. When all was said and done, Bresa was very proud of her project and I must say, it looks pretty good.

The Return of Mr. Turtle

I was loading the kids up in the car this morning to go to a couple stores when I saw our turtle friend coming down the road. I got the kids back out of the car and we walked over to say hello. The turtle was coming right at us until he noticed us all staring at him. I told the girls to go up behind him so he wasn't scared. We watched him for a little while and loaded up the car again. While we were getting in the car the turtle came over into our yard and started eating the grass. The girls thought that was really funny.

Friday, May 21


Tuesday afternoon Peter told me to go look at the pond outside. When I went out I saw some weird pond-scum looking stuff and figured it was time for a good cleaning. Peter came out and said that he thought they were tadpole eggs. This made more sense since we had seen a significant increase in frogs in pond lately. We kind of looked them over and talked about how the fish would be happy to eat them and then went inside. I didn't take this first picture, though I had planned on taking one later. I didn't realize they hatched so quickly and I missed my opportunity. This first shot is one I found online but it looks just like what we saw in our pond. When I got home from work yesterday I didn't see the "scum" anymore and assumed the fish had a full belly but Peter told me to look under the water up next to the sides. I thought I was still looking for eggs when I started to notice all the tiny tadpoles clingling to the edges. I tried to get a couple good shots but it was a little difficult focusing through the water without my polarizing lense (which I was just too lazy to get out). Today when I got home from work it seemed the tadpoles had not only grown in size but in quantity also, there must be hundreds if not thousands in there. I don't know if gold fish eat tadpoles but if they do ours must be in heaven. Don't worry though, there are too many for one fish to eat.

Sunday, May 16


After church today my mom decided to take baby Javan home with her. I packed up his bag and off they went. The girls wanted to go too but they have school tomorrow so they had to stay behind. There were a couple times during the day after mom left that I thought I heard Javan calling or crying but it was all in my mind.

Saturday, May 15

No Giraffes Today

My friend, Lisa, and I have been talking about going to the Brevard Zoo for a while. I get a discount since I have the Central FL zoo pass and she really wanted to see the giraffes so we decided we needed to take a trip with the kids. Peter stayed home to get some work done and Lisa brought her youngest, Brogan, over and we loaded up the car. Brogan is just a couple months younger than Bresa and they always have a great time playing together. Brogan told his parents Bresa is his girlfriend and they are going to get married some day. Too cute! We took the long drive to Melbourne and headed into the zoo to start our day. The first place we went is to the giraffes so we could try and feed them. Unfortunately there was only one giraffe up by the platform and after he got a couple bites from some of the other visitors he went on his way. The other giraffes weren't far off but they weren't interested in eating. We decided we would try and see the giraffes again after we saw the rest of the park. We walked over to the kangaroos and warthogs and such and then into the Lorikeet enclosure where all the kids got to feed the birds. The first time Peter and I took the girls to this zoo there was no one there and the birds were crazy! They dive bombed and perched on Peter (he had the food) and fought each other to the last drop. This time though, there were plenty of other visitors at the zoo so there was enough food to go around. The Lorikeets were pretty calm and all the kids had a good time feeding them. We also fed some other birds with seeds on popcicle sticks. I tried to get Javan to feed them but he didn't understand that you had to hold the stick so he would just give it to them and walk away. Once the birds were done eating we were pretty hungry ourselves so we headed to the car to get our lunches that we had packed. Heading back into the Zoo we went through "Wild Florida" and "La Selva" where we saw all the primates, reptiles, and other big cats and foxes and such. As we were headed out of the zoo we stopped again to see if the giraffes wanted to eat. They were still a bit off from the feeding platform so we didn't get to feed them on this trip. We did see lots of them, including a baby giraffe and we enjoyed just watching them wander. We had a bit of a ways to drive home still so we decided to call it a day and load up the car and head out. Javan fell asleep quick and the other three played pretty quitely in the back row while Lisa and I talked.

Sunday, May 9

Happy Mommy's Day

I had a great Mother's Day with my wonderful family. Peter bought me roses and brought me Panera for breakfast (the closest Panera is in Sanford so it was a bit of a drive) and then after church we met my mom for lunch. Then we shopped the area and the mall. It was nice and relaxing with no schedule. When we made it home the kids ate then went to bed and then Peter made me a steak dinner with all the fixings and we watched a movie we had rented. The girls both had made me beautiful cards and crafts for Mother's Day and were very proud to show them off. I will be sure to put them in a safe place to show them some day. Hope everyone else had a great Mother's Day too!

Saturday, May 8

Something is always up...

...when things get quiet.

Tuesday, May 4

Freckle Frenzy

On June 30th, 2007 I posted a picture of Abbi with her then, newly appearing freckles. Two years after that on April 16, 2009 I posted an update on the multiplying freckles. The other day I was looking at Miss Abigail and noticing that her freckles have continued to multiply and get darker. A few months ago if you asked Abbi how she got all those freckles she would tell you that she got a new one everytime you took a picture of her. I don't know where this idea came from but it was adorable and I didn't feel the need to correct her. Somewhere along the way though, she learned that they actually come from the sun and now she gives you a more accurate, but not nearly as cute or exciting, answer. In the photos you can see for yourself the progression of the freckles over the last three years.

Sunday, May 2

Repeat Customer

It was a week ago today when Bresa lost her first top tooth and then this afternoon she was eating her turkey sandwich when the other one fell out too. I was surprised that it happened so shortly after her other one because it didn't seem that loose. But I suppose since there wasn't a tooth next to it this tooth got more direct impact and got knocked looser quicker.

Saturday, May 1

Play all Day

Once again the girls were good all week at school and that cannot go unrewarded. Daddy had lots of work to do so I packed up the kids and we went to the park just outside our neighbor-
hood that has a small splash pad on it. The kids have only gone on to this one once or twice before so it was still pretty new to them. We got to the park around 10:30ish and there were a couple of people wondering around but no one on the pad, just how I like it. The girls wanted to play on the playground too but I told them we were just going to the splash pad today. This splash pad is pretty small so it is easy to keep track of the littlest one and with no one else around I could let him roam free inside the gated perimeter. Bresa did her usual run through and get soaked in 10 seconds while Abbi ran around the big sprayers and played in the smaller ones. Javan didn't know what to think. He loves the water but he really doesn't like it in his face so he was hesitant to dive in. I just let them all play and do what they thought was comfortable and before long Abbi and Bresa were both soaked head to toe and having a blast playing their made up games. I tried to show Javan he could walk to the edge of the sprayers and just put his hand on it, which he did a couple times. Each time though, the water would flatten on his hand and spray him in the face which he didn't like. Eventually though, Javan played in the water more and more and even made it to the very middle where all the big sprayers were. He did a lot of happy screaming and laughing while running around. It was a blast to watch. At one point another lady came with her son who was probably a year and half to two years old. He wanted nothing to do with the water so they left after just a few minutes and we had the pad all to ourselves again. I just sat on the ground within the gated area and watched the kids run and play. There are several tall trees in the park and some of the pad was shaded. The high today is supposed to be 92 degrees but at this time it was still comfortable out and the shade made it even nicer where I sat. After an hour or so, Abbi said she was done and came and sat next to me. Javan still did his running and splashing for a while longer and then came and sat next to Abbi. He got up a couple of times to go play again but I could tell he was pretty much done. Another lady came with her two sons and the older one played with Bresa while the younger one (Javan's age) tried to decide wether he liked the pad or not. Shortly after that a group of kids came all together and they were pretty rambunctious and all over and their parents were no where to be found, so I called Bresa out so we could get some lunch. When we were walking back to the car Bresa asked if we could walk the running trail that goes around the entire park before we left. I had the girls change their clothes and put Javan in the stroller (it's a pretty long trail) and then we walked it all. When we loaded Oscar the kids thought we were going home but I wasn't done with the fun just yet. I took them over to Chick-Fil-a for some lunch followed by some fun playing at the indoor playground. I knew the temperature was rising fast and I didn't want the kids to be all sweaty and hot so the indoor playground was the perfect option. They both ordered whatever they wanted for lunch and once they were finished they were aloud to play. I had brought Javan's lunch with us and him and I just sat and watched the girls climbing and sliding for about 25 minutes before I didn't think Javan could keep his eyes open any longer. We grabbed Daddy a milkshake on the way out and headed home for some naps.