&t The Taylor Family: January 2013

Saturday, January 26

Outdoor play

We finally got some nice cool weather in central FL and what better way to spend it then to run around outside? Peter and I love it when the cool air comes in. Not just because it is so crisp and refreshing but also because the kids can do some much needed running around and get some Vitamin D.
I took them all to the farmer's market this morning and when we returned we let them outback to play on the swings and with all their outdoor toys. When it was time for lunch I made them some nice strawberry and banana smoothies and then made up some sandwhiches and snacks. I had bought a half flat of berries at the farmer's market and the children were excited to get to eat a few. They played outside for a long while until they all came in to get showered down and ready for dinner. I hope this weather stays around for a while.

Sunday, January 20

Playing in the park

Daddy didn't have to play guitar at church today so we left after first service and got some lunch at Five Guys. We have Life Group on Sunday nights now but it doesn't start until 4 so we still had the afternoon to enjoy. Peter mentioned going to the park to fly Abbi's remote control helicopter that she got for Christmas. They had tried to fly it in the backyard but determined they didn't have enough space when the wind
started to blow just slightly and eventually the helicopter got stuck up high in our backyard neighbor's tree. Our next door neighbor ended up climbing up in the tree to get it out after he and Peter walked around the block to gain access their yard. All the kids were excited to go so we headed to a couple soccer fields to fly. I found a nice spot in the shade and sat on the grass while the kids ran around and took turns flying the helicopter. the weather was beautiful out so I enjoyed just sitting back and watching. I tried a couple times but mostly Abbi and Daddy did the flying. The helicopter took a couple plunges to the ground from pretty high but after a little tweaking it was good to go again. At one point the helicopter smashed pretty hard into the metal bleechers and I think at that point we called it a day.

Tuesday, January 15

Happy Birthday Javan!!

Javan has been very excited about his birthday coming up. Each day I tell him "only 3 more days...only two more days!" I am not sure he knew what to expect when he got up in the morning he got dressed and got his "pack pack" all together so when Daddy got up Javan told him "I'm ready to go to school because I am 4!" Umm, oops. We had always told Javan he had to be 4 before he could go to school but we didn't mean the day he turned 4. He took the disappointment pretty well though and after getting the kids to school he went home with Daddy. Later in the day Peter brought Javan by to my work so he could see the firetrucks. He loves firetrucks and never tires of seeing them. This time he got to see the guys get called out and they came out and put on their gear, jumped in the tower truck, and drove off with their lights and sirens on. That was pretty exciting. When I got home from work later we got a call from our friend and decided to meet him at a house down the street. We had originally planned to take the kids to the park to play but by the time we were down with the house stuff it was already getting dark. Instead we asked Javan if he wanted to go to Moe's for dinner (one of his favorites), of course he said yes so we headed over there and got our meals. We couldn't stay too long because Peter had Worship Team Practice tonight so we got back home and Javan opened his presents. All Legos (surprise), he even got 4 huge tubs of Legos that use to belong to Peter when he was a child and had saved all these years. We were waiting for the right time to hand them down and this past year Javan has really fallen in love with Legos so this seemed like the right time. All the children were super excited about the Legos but Daddy had to leave and we still needed to make up Javan's cake. Once it was all baked up and frosted Javan added the sprinkles (that he chose) and then we sang Happy Birthday to our new 4 year old. Happy Birthday sweet baby boy! I love you so very much and not a day goes by that you don't melt my heart all over again.

Saturday, January 12

Happy Birthday Charlotte!

Charlotte's Birthday was earlier this week so we were excited to celebrate with her at her party today. She was having a Build-A-Bear Party so we met up with her friends at the Florida Mall. My girls were very excited to be going here. They both are always asking when we can go to Build-A-Bear next but unless we have a giftcard or a good reason we never go. Javan had never been before so he wasn't aware of all the fun he was about to have. Charlotte was very excited to see her cousins when the party started she was the star. All the children were allowed to pick any animal they wanted to stuff up and dress. I let the girls go off on their own because they
knew what to do and were old enough to follow the directions without my assitance. I stayed back with Javan to make sure he got to see everything. We went through each animal and touched them all. He stopped at the kitty and said he wanted that one but I made him continue to the end before he made his final decision. When we had seen them all he still wanted the kitty so he grabbed one up and when we met back at the circle I was surprised to see that both the girls had also chosen the kitty. There must have been at least 20 different animals but somehow all three of my children chose the same one. Oh well, they were happy. They all got to stuff up the animals, brush up their fur and give them lots of hugs and then one by one they chose which outfit they wanted to dress them in. Javan was very excited to see there was a fireman outfit so he picked that one right away. The girls chose a fairy costume and a wedding dress for theirs (I told them they couldn't have the same clothes though initially they tried that). After all the animals were stuffed and dressed it was time for cake. Everyone seemed to have a great time and I know my children were very happy with their party favor animals. Thanks Charlotte for inviting the Taylors to celebrate your birthday!

Friday, January 4

Lego Boy

Javan got lots of Legos for his birthday. Last month or maybe a little before that he asked me for the Lego Police Department. I was pretty excited about that because I had wanted to buy it for years but never really had a good reason.
This year we finally got it and right away Javan wanted to put it all together. He helped me make up all the parts and he played with the police cars and garages for a long time. It took a while to get it all together and it probably won't last too long but he is having fun with it while it is still in one piece.