Last year Peter and I were in China and I missed the Take your Child to Work Day. Abbi was disappointed because she knew it was her turn to come with me. Bresa had come the year before and had a great time and Abbi was really looking forward to it. When the time came around I signed up Abbi but didn't tell her right away. When I finally did she was very excited it was her turn. I woke her up super early so we could get to my job at my normal time, 0545 hours. We got in and I showed her how I emptied the lockers and put all the evidence into the system and signed off on everything. Once my normal morning stuff was done we took a trip
to Panera for some breakfast. She was excited that she got to pick whatever she wanted to eat and drink and she was really surprised that no one else was in the restaurant. I told her not too many people are up and moving while it is still dark out in the morning. I had some of my normal work stuff to get done and I showed her parts I thought she would be interested in. She wanted to know about the lab so
I grabbed a couple unneeded CD's and had Jake make some good fingerprints on them and then I showed Abbi how to dust for prints and lift them off to put on a latent card. She had a great time with that and enjoyed showing them off later in the day. City Hall had set up a lunch for the kids that came to
work so we headed over that way and got some pizza and subs and a couple little prizes. After lunch our PD gave a motorcycle seminar about their bikes and how they use them. Then they drove them around a bit to show off their skills and let the kids each sit on them. The fire

department showed up right afterward and the all the kids had a ball going through each part of the big ladder truck. It's funny how many times my children have seen and been in the fire trucks yet they still get a kick out of it. It was getting later in the day and just about time to go home but we had one more errand to run. Out at the mall is the place that embroiders all of our shirts and hats so we stopped by so the supply tech could pick something up. While we were there Abbi got treated to some ice cream. Now it was time to go home. We collected our stuff from the station and headed out. Abbi said she had a great time and learned a lot. Maybe next year I will take both of the girls (Javan is too young).