It's a Travel Bug Party!!

Today while Peter was at work the girls and I went out and did some caching in the area. So far we have found 299 caches so the next one will make 300! We could have gone on to find more today but we wanted to wait for Steve and Heather because they are just a couple away from 400 and we wanted to make our milestone finds together. I am planning on putting out a TB hotel off an exit of I-4 so I have been collecting these travel bugs. The hotel will allow fellow cachers to stop and drop off a bug and pick one up to take along with them on their journey. A Travel Bug, or TB, will be found by another geocacher who will log-in the serial number and then place it in another cache. TBs go from cache to cache, found and replaced, over and over again. They often travel thousands of miles and go to countries around the world. These hotels help TB's accomplish their goals and get moving in the right direction. I am excited about placing the hotel, I already have the perfect location I just need to place it and get the coordinates so that I can make a log page online for other cachers to see. As you can see each TB has a dog tag attached to it, that holds the TBs serial number so they can be logged and tracked.