1st pair of walking shoes
When I was pregnant with Javan I saw these really cool Police Skechers at the store. They were too boyish for me to get the girls and I didn't know if Javan was going to be a boy or girl so I didn't buy them. Once Javan was born I found them again and really wanted to buy them. The smallest size they made was a size 4 though and they looked enormous compared to his tiny feet at the time. It seemed it would be forever before he would fit into them so I passed them up once again. Javan starting walking just before his first birthday and since then has gotten a lot of practice and pretty much figured it out. While at the mall I decided to find some good walking shoes for him since I knew it wouldn't be long that he would want to be walking everywhere we go. I was looking around the shoe store and saw the police shoes again but they only had them in big boy sizes. I was really disappointed since I had been waiting over a year to buy them. As a last resort I decided to check the clearance section and hiding at the very bottom of the shelf behind another pair I found just the shoes I was looking for in the right size and for less than half price!! I guess it's true, good things come to those who wait! I love the shoes and what is even cooler is that when Javan walks the red, white, and blue light bar across the top and the two white lights on his toes light up. I wish they made cool shoes like this in my size!