Last night Steve came over for dinner and spent the night, we had plans to get up early and go to Disney (something different). Well, we got up early but then learned that the parks were

blacked out for the tickets we had. So we were up and dressed and ready to go and finally decided on doing some caching. I hadn't been caching in months so it was exciting to be able to add to my numbers. We loaded up some coordinate, the girl, their lunches,

and some drinks and headed up 92 to the Daytona area. We did some great caching and I think I got about 23 for the day before we made it back home around 4:30. We got a bunch that I hadn't ever heard of since I've been out of the loop for a while.

Steve got a few that I had already found too. We took Steve to my mom's to get the rest of his stuff so he could spend the night at our house again and leave for MD in the morning from our place. We stopped and ate dinner at the Ale House

and watched fireworks on TV and then all the way home from the car. It was a good day and so nice to be off from work for a three day weekend. When we

got home we talked for a bit but we were all so exhausted from the days events we went to bed and Steve left early to head home.