Peter didn't get as much work done during the week as he would have liked. Between taking the kids to school, making lunches, feeding Javan, and picking them up his days were pretty full. He asked if I would take care of all the kids today and I had already made plans to take them out of the house so it worked our great. I decided to take the kids to the Altamonte Mall and let the girls use

their Build A Bear gift cards they got for their birthdays from Aunt Janell and Uncle Wyatt. I didn't tell them where we were going because they love surprises. I only told them it was somewhere they had never been before. When we got to the mall they were super excited to see what we were doing.

Bresa knew right away which animal she wanted to make but it took Abbi a while longer to figure it out. She really wanted a giraffe but they didn't have any so she eventually settled for a unicorn as well. They had a great time fluffing them up and picking

a heart and kissing it before they put it in their unicorns. There were special wings that were made specifically for the unicorns so of course we had to get those for each girl. Then I let the girls each pick out any outfit they wanted. Abbi picked the pumpkin Halloween costume and Bresa picked out a separate skirt and shirt. They each got those big cardboard

houses that the bears come in and they carried their own boxes while I shopped around the mall a bit more. We ate at the food court and the girls talked all

about what they had planned for their unicorns when we got home. When we did eventually make it home the girls went to work coloring their boxes, it will still take them awhile before they are done with them.