Thursday, September 30
Sunday, September 26
Chore Charts
I mentioned the girls Chore Charts a little bit ago and figured I would let you all see what they look like. They are pretty cool magnetic boards with pretty little magnets for their chores and awards. There are even some blank chore magnets so you can

Saturday, September 25
One packed day
This morning Peter and I had to be at church at 9am for a Life Group Leader meeting. These meetings only occur about once every 18 months and they are for all the LG leaders of the church. It is kind of like a workshop and discussion but we have a good time and we get to see people that we don't normally see outside of Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. The meeting lasted until 1:30 but they fed us a very yummy breakfast and lunch so I was happy. Once the meeting was over Peter and I stopped at home quickly and then took the kids over to Tina and Noah's house for some games and dinner.

Thursday, September 23
Wednesday, September 22
Story Time
A few weeks ago Peter started reading the girls 'The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.' He starts each reading by asking the girls

Tuesday, September 21
Bresa has been acting up a bit at school and at home. Peter and I have tried everything we could think of to try and straighten her out but everything only works temporarily and then she is back to her attitude. She isn't picking fights or anything just being disobedient and not finishing assignments or other responsibilities. We started chore charts and that seems to help a little bit but Peter and I think it's time for Bresa to pursue her passion, something for her to put all her emotions and expressions into. Since

Sunday, September 19
Saturday, September 18
10 year High School Reunion
Tonight was my high school reunion which was held in Orlando. I never really wanted to go to my reunion but after going to Peter's last year I thought it might be fun. As it got closer I was still undecided so I asked Tina if they were going and she wasn't sure either. We eventually decided we would go just so we didn't regret not going later. The reunion was held at Ember which is downtown Orlando so my mom came over to watch the kids and Peter and I took off. We got there and walked around a little bit and talked to a few people here and there but nothing real exciting. People were impressed with my job and that Peter and I had

Saturday, September 11
School Projects
School is back in session and that means the projects have started.

Monday, September 6
Laboring on Labor Day

Saturday, September 4
All day parties
This morning we headed off to Joshua's 4th birthday party. It was Toy Story theme and his mom, Kelli, did an awesome job of decorating the whole house. Buzz Lightyear is Joshua's favorite so there was lots of Space Ranger stuff and games and the kids had a great time. They started off by swimming and then we ate and opened presents. After cake Peter and I had to get going because we had another party to go to. My friend, Lisa, said she would watch the girls for us so Peter and I could enjoy ourselves with a

Friday, September 3
Dinner party
Peter and I invited our worship Pastor, Jason, and his wife over for dinner tonight. We have all been trying to get together for a long time but with everyone's schedules we never had a good night open. Somehow we managed to have tonight available so Jason and Karen brought over their 5 children and we finally got to spend time together. Bresa is the oldest of all 8 of our children